6 Ways My Life Changed When I Finally “Found Myself” — Follow Your Own Rhythm

Being stuck in a rut, not knowing who you are, not knowing what you want to do with your life, not knowing what you’re passionate about, or feeling worried, anxious, and disconnected all the time is NO FUN. 

But that was me up until about 4 years ago. 

Completely and utterly lost and confused.
Because this confusion was the “norm” for me for most of my life, I became really attracted to personal growth and figuring out who the heck I am and what I want to do with my life.  I wasn’t willing to settle for this miserable, disconnected, and purposeless way of being.

I was always able to imagine and envision more, and I always felt that there was more.  So I became obsessed with self-discovery. 

This eventually turned into an even deeper journey of soul searching to find who I am on a more essential and spiritual level.

And in 2014, when I was 28, it happened. I had an awakening. I FOUND MYSELF.  All of the puzzle pieces came together. 

I’m almost 32, and many people tell me that I’m so young to have gone through such a transformation. And I agree, sometimes I think of how fortunate I am to have gotten such an early start. 

But then I think to myself… I worked REALLY HARD for this. Like diligent, relentless, obsessive personal growth type stuff.  So when I think of this, I’m not surprised.  I really wanted this, and I found a way to get it.

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The point is, it’s not about how old or wise you are, or even how special or lucky you are, it’s about how committed you are to this journey, and how willing you are to do the consistent inner work of finding yourself.   
For me, it was a no brainer. I would rather face my inner demons and pains in order to find the truth underneath, than to live in the pain of being anxious, lost, and unfulfilled my whole life. 

And of course, the journey of “finding yourself” is never actually over.  It’s a life long process but the more you know, the happier you become.

And my NUMBER ONE TIP for doing this is to NEVER STOP learning about yourself from all angles, on all levels, in all situations, and from all perspectives.  

Sooooo with that said, let’s get into the… 

6 Biggest Ways That My Life Changed (for the better) Once I Found Myself: 

1. The biggest thing that changed right away is my perspective on life. 

It’s like my mind opened and I was able to see everything clearly.  This means being more positive, as well as more aware of what is actually going on in the world.  It’s as if ignorance was no longer an option and I saw things for what they were.  This included our society and the way we’re brainwashed, as well as my own ego and conditionings. 

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But this was great because I was able to separate myself from the societal imprisonment and the pressure to fit in and actually live my life for me, and it meant that I was able to shed my false layers and conditioned mindsets and start being more of who I truly am.  This new perspective was really the foundation for the rest of the life changes that followed.

2. I “found” my passion and purpose.

My passion is something I had been searching for for over a decade. And naturally, it was right under my nose. My passion, as I soon discovered, was personal growth AND teaching it to others.  Both of which I always gravitated towards; one personally, the other professionally. 

I not only realized that this is my passion, but that guiding people to connect with their true selves is my PURPOSE.  The reason I know that this is my life purpose is because if I imagined my life without it, as in holding back this wisdom and truth from other people, my life would have no meaning.

In my opinion and in my truth, THIS is the missing piece that everyone needs in order to find true peace and happiness; to find their authentic selves.

3. Self-confidence, self-love, self-acceptance, and self-trust. 

That’s a mouthful I know, but seriously, let’s just start with confidence.  You don’t understand the confidence you start to have in yourself once you know your truth.

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The reason that we lack confidence is because we give the world too much power to define us and to control us, most likely because we don’t know what it is we want or who it is we are.

When I connected with myself, confidence just sort of followed, and so did self-love, self-acceptance, and self-trust.  Once I became comfortable with my flaws and imperfections, I started to love and accept these parts about myself. 

And because I’m aligned with my truth, I’m also in touch with my inner wisdom and I TRUST myself when making decisions instead of having to rely on the world to tell me what’s right or what I should do.

4. The courage to go after my dreams.  

Don’t get me wrong, I’ve always been a big dreamer.  When I was young, I always imagined my adult self as a peaceful person, carefree, financially abundant, and making a difference in the world. So I HAD dreams. 

However, I never had the courage to go after them, nor did I know enough about myself to identify HOW I would…

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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in followyourownrhythm.com. All the rights of content are owned by followyourownrhythm.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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