What does it mean when you die in your dream? 9 Meanings

Life is beautiful. Therefore, no one wants to die. However, at one point or the other, death has to happen.

Now, the twist to this reality is that people can see themselves die in a dream. Funny right? I never also believed it until it happened to me.

Now, whenever you have this dream, what does it mean?

  • Does it indicate a possible prophecy about your demise?
  • Does it even speak about death in real life?

This is what this article is all about. I have discovered 9 different spiritual meanings as answers to the questions about dying in a dream. What are they? Find out below.

Can you die in a dream?

Death in dreams

Yes, you can die in a dream. Dreams are not real; therefore, dying in a dream does not mean you will die in real life. However, it is possible to die in a dream.

Whenever this happens, it has several reasons, which we will discuss later.

The things we see in our dreams are figments of our fears, mindsets, and imaginations.

They can also be a message from the universe, our loved ones, or people that despise us. There is no random or coincidental dream.

Everything we see in the world of dreams is real and connects with us in one way or another.

This places a responsibility on us to find out more about dying in a dream.

What does it mean to dream about dying?

Dying in a dream meaning

This dream is rare. Therefore, it has to be a spiritual sign.

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Dreams about death are signs from the universe that passes several messages to us.

Whenever you dream of dying, take this as a sign that the spiritual world has a message to deliver to your consciousness.

As we have discussed earlier, there is nothing normal about dreams.

Especially graphic dreams that have to do with death, blood, water, or fire.

Once you dream about dying, wake up with a desire to understand what it means. Lucky enough, this article already has the answers to the dream.

Apart from a spiritual sign, having dreams about dying could be a result of our fear.

Perhaps, you are scared because of a confrontation you had with some, or a threat from someone.

All of these can become an image in your mind, which evil spirits can use to taunt and haunt you in your sleep.

How will you know that this dream came as a result of your fear? It will be consistent and begin to affect your sleep. Once you observe this pattern, get that fear out of your mind to erase this dream.

I died in my dream, and it felt real: What does this mean?

Feeling death in dreams

This is strange. Not everybody has this dream. Therefore, if you ever died in your dream and it felt real, it is something to pay attention to.

Let me emphasize again that it does not necessarily mean that you are going to die in real life. However, the way you felt after waking up from the dream clearly shows that the dream has something to do with your waking moments.

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It is rare for dreams to feel real – except if a spiritual being was present with you while dreaming, and creating the same impact in the dream on your body.

Therefore, dying in the dream and feeling it in real life might signify an attack.

This might be telling you that demons are trying to attack your peace. You need to take drastic actions against this.

Now, apart from the attack and evil energy, it could also mean that something is about to change in your life.

Death is a symbol of change and transition.

Therefore, whenever you die in a dream, and it feels real in the physical, it clearly states that you might be preparing to go through a major transition phase.

What does it mean when you die in your dream? 9 Meanings

What does it mean when you die in your dream

To understand the meaning of death in your dream, certain factors need to be put in place. These are the things we will discuss in this section. Anytime you dream of dying, the following 9 spiritual messages are meant for you.

Out of these messages, you will find the one(s) that relates to your life. In addition to this, they can guide you to get other personal messages from the spiritual world concerning you. 

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What does it mean when you die in your dream? Let us find out.

1) Change

Death symbolizes change. When people die, their lives don’t end. They simply transit from this world to another world.

Even though their bodies remain in the physical world, they exist as spirits in the other world, which feels as real as this physical realm.

Now, dreaming of dying is not saying that you will die. However, it talks about a change. It speaks about a transitional phase you are about to go through.

Now, you might be wondering why dreams about death should be used.

Let me tell you a little secret. Anytime death is used for change, it is because of the things that will accompany the change. It does not just focus on the transitional process alone. There are accompanying events around this change that death symbolizes.

  1. When people die in real life, they are left alone to go into the grave. 
  2. When people die in real life, it is not a good experience. It is…

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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in angelicalbalance.com. All the rights of content are owned by angelicalbalance.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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