11 Blocked Or Underactive Root Chakra Warning Signs To Be Aware Of

The root chakra or Muladhara is the first chakra within each of our energetic systems, this vital red light energy center is a stable foundation from which we experience life and can move up to activate the awareness of higher energy centers.

This chakra is said to activate while we were a baby within the womb or during birth.

This energy center offers us the first chakra perspective that we experience as little humans: a primal and basic focus on survival and stability.

Survival, stability, safety, and support are what the energy of the root chakra is all about.

Muladhara chakra is associated with our experience of groundedness and belonging.

This chakra is located within and around the base of the spine and perineum region of the physical body.

Our root chakra is the energy portal that allows us to connect with the energy of our home, the earth.

This is the energy center that we can use to root into the earth’s abundant, stable, cyclical, nourishing, and infinite energy.

This chakra is our priority to maintain and due to a variety of common reasons the root chakra energy flow can become underactive or blocked.

Within this article, our main aim is to learn about the key signs of a blocked or underactive root chakra so that we can conscientize and identify what we are experiencing in order to choose the relevant practices that allow us to unblock and rebalance a blocked root chakra.

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What Causes An Underactive Or Blocked Root Chakra?

Causes of an underactive or blocked root chakra

To more fully understand what causes an underactive or blocked root chakra we have to gain a basic understanding of what actually is a blocked chakra and an underactive chakra.

Our chakras are points or portals of a specific frequency of energy within our etheric body.

When the amount of energy flowing through your root chakra is lacking it can result in the chakra becoming underactive and when the energy is not flowing through this chakra it can indicate that there is a severe lack of energy or a blockage preventing the energy from keeping this chakra aligned and active.

The cause of the blockage or lack of energy within the root chakra is often due to traumatic experiences we had during the most formative years of our life, trauma, and neglect as a baby or child that made us feel unsafe or threatened our survival can cause us to become stuck in a fear mode which results in underactivity or blockage of the root chakra.

Because this chakra is our very first chakra for some people the cause of imbalances within this chakra can start from a very young age.

It can also be due to trauma from a past life or ancestral trauma.

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The chakra becomes blocked because this energy has not yet been integrated and transformed.

Any practice that deals with inner child healing, past life regression and integration, and ancestral lineage healing can be really beneficial to revealing and healing the specific cause of your root chakra imbalance.

The main cause of the imbalance within this chakra is any trauma that threatens our innate sense of survival, belonging, and safety.

It is not only childhood trauma that can be a cause of this but trauma during your adult years can also cause imbalance within your root chakra.

11 Signs Your Root Chakra is Blocked orUnderactive

a sign of an underactive or blocked root chakra

1. You often experience states of anxiety and fear

When your root chakra is blocked a prominent sign may be that you often experience anxiety.

You may find that you are generally in a fearful state.

Because this chakra is our energy center linked to survival and survival instincts when this energy center is lacking or blocked off our survival instincts and flow of nurturing life-sustaining prana is compromised.

This can leave one feeling depleted and anxiously concerned for survival.

2. You may have negative feelings about physical existence

Another key sign that your root chakra is blocked is that you will often feel quite disconnected and apathetic towards physical existence.

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You may find yourself complaining and viewing your physical needs as unimportant or annoying.

The root chakra offers the energy that is our primal drive to survive and so when this energy is lacking it can really impact our perspective, motivation, and emotions towards life.

3. You feel disconnected from your body

This sign is related to the sign above, when your root chakra is underactive you can feel a disconnect from the needs and instincts of your physical body.

You may slip into neglectful behavior because you are not well tuned in or properly tending to your physical health.

4. You feel disconnected from the earth

showing a blocked root chakra

The element that is associated with this chakra is the element of earth, it has a strong relation to our interconnection with our planet earth.

Earth is energy, in physical form and collective consciousness.

It is the elements…


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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in SubconsciousServant.com. All the rights of content are owned by SubconsciousServant.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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