7 Undeniable Signs The Universe Is Testing You

The universe is always testing us. It sends us strong signs and clues to help us grow and learn, but often we’re too busy or distracted to notice them. Here are seven undeniable signs that the universe is testing you right now.

Why does the universe test you?

The universe is constantly testing us because it wants us to grow and expand our consciousness. Every test is an opportunity for us to learn and evolve. The universe is like a giant schoolteacher, giving us lessons that we need to learn in order to progress.

Think about your favorite schoolteacher when you were younger. Of course, they were kind to you, listened to your questions, and gave you thoughtful answers (though maybe not always exactly what you wanted to hear!)

But they believed in you and wanted you to succeed – so, they pushed you, tested you, and helped you grow.

Similarly, the universe is always pushing us to become better versions of ourselves. So, if you’re feeling like the universe is testing you right now, it’s probably because it is!

Here are seven ways you can tell that the universe is testing you:

1. Sudden unexpected change

If you’re suddenly faced with a major change in your life, it’s a sign that the universe is testing you. This could be something big, like losing your job, ending a relationship, or moving to a new city.

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Or it could be something smaller, like having your car break down or your computer crash.

The reason this is a test is that it forces you to adapt and change. It challenges you to find a new way of doing things, and it makes you question your beliefs and assumptions.

Change is always uncomfortable, but it’s also essential for our growth. So, if you’re feeling like the universe is testing you with change, know that it’s only because it wants you to grow.

How to cope with this:

Change is always hard, but you can make it easier on yourself by being prepared. When you know that change is coming, take some time to mentally and emotionally prepare for it.

The best way to prepare is to get a copy of your numerology report right away – because you’ll find so many things about yourself that you never knew before.

Imagine being in the middle of a super-tricky test, feeling low, lost, dazed and confused, then like a shining light you get an “aha” moment that brings you so much clarity…

Realize how empowered you’ll feel, knowing that there’s a reason behind your present experience and that you know exactly how to move through it.

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Visualize how you want things to go, and think about the different ways you could respond to the situation. The more prepared you are, the easier it will be to cope with the change when it happens.

You may also consider that this challenging situation has come because you may have been unknowingly going down the wrong path.

Though it may not be your ideal situation, at this moment in time, it may be the best path for you.

Get your numerology reading and you’ll see exactly why the Universe is testing you as you emerge as a stronger, wiser, more spiritually connected human being.

2. You’re feeling lost and confused

If you’re feeling lost and confused, it’s a sign that the universe is testing you. This is usually a test of your faith. The universe is challenging you to trust that everything will work out, even though you can’t see …

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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in ManifestLikeWhoa.com. All the rights of content are owned by ManifestLikeWhoa.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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