9 Best Crystals for Courage: Don’t Let Anything Stop You

INSIDE: Courage is something we can all use a little more of in our lives in order to achieve our deepest desires and manifestations. Use these crystals for courage to face any future challenge that comes your way.


Do you allow fear to hold you back from following your dreams?

Courage allows you to take that step forward despite the fear that may be bubbling inside of you. Whether you plan on moving to a new city, need to have a difficult conversation, or want to overcome a bad habit, certain crystals can bring you the self-assurance and security you need to make these changes confidently.

Motivation Stones

9 Best Crystals for Courage

Courage is a mental strength that is deeply engrained in all of us and is something we can summon when facing danger, fear, or difficulties. Although courage is something we are all capable of accessing, sometimes it alludes us.

Let’s take a look at some of the best crystals for courage to help strengthen your chakras and mental state in order to conquer any fears or obstacles you may face.


The Carnelian stone stems from the quartz family, which categorizes a variety of other powerful stones as well. This orange crystal embodies the beautiful colors of an inspirational sunset.

Carnelian taps into the sacral and root chakras, which makes it an incredibly grounding crystal for courage.

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When around or holding this crystal, it will inspire self-confidence and an immediate feeling of trust, similar to a feeling you may gain from your intuition.

Carnelian also neutralizes emotions when you are receiving mixed signals on how to react to more difficult situations. Instead of feeling stuck with anxiety when trying to move forward, Carnelian encourages you to move forward with courage and faith.



Hematite naturally comes in a trio of silver, black, and red colors with a metallic sheen. It strengthens the root chakra, which is located at the base of the spine. When in balance, this chakra offers support and a solid foundation for the chakras above it.

When you feel a draw towards a potentially difficult situation, this crystal is a key tool to have as it embodies strength, courage, and confidence. With an unshakable mindset, Hematite also helps with decluttering the mindless and unproductive thoughts you may have while also inspiring creativity and clarity.

This crystal for courage also sends a strong wave of inspiration to its beholder, sparking them to get after their dreams. If you feel stuck in your ways, Hematite encourages big thinking and reaching for the stars when you are ready to make a move.

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Although green in color, Bloodstone has been named due to the red flecks that are scattered through it.

This incredible stone is probably one of the best crystals for courage as it strengthens and balances the first four chakras in the body. When your root, sacral, solar plexus, and heart chakra are activated, the security and support you perceive is unstoppable.

Bloodstone encourages a change in perspective and helps us recognize any difficult situations we are going through as important life lessons. With this shift in perspective, we are more capable of accepting change and appreciating the journey we are on.

Tiger’s Eye

Tiger’s Eye is a stone that was named after its outward appearance. With a combination of brown, yellow, and red, when held in the light, this stone gleams as an intensely beautiful golden sphere, resembling that of a cat’s eye.

Tiger’s Eye corresponds with the solar plexus, sacral, and root chakra, making it another great crystal for courage, especially while in the process of a life transition. When these three chakras are in balance, it can increase our self-esteem, strengthen feelings of security, and enhance creativity.

This crystal for courage embodies energy from both the sun and the earth, making it an extremely powerful force of nature. With its incredible power, Tiger’s Eye allows us to step away from any fear we may be dealing with and encourages us to step into new and unchartered behavior and situations.

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Tiger’s Eye is also a wonderful tool to use when preparing for a physical or spiritual journey as it promotes focus and encourages a change in perspective when needed.

Red Jasper

Red Jasper

Red Jasper is mostly a bright red crystal in nature but can also exhibit either cream or brown streaks in its natural variations. It embodies the root and sacral chakra, which inspires more creativity and stability into our lives.

Red Jasper is an important crystal to have on-hand as it encourages us to ask more honest and authentic questions about ourselves. This allows us to dive deep into what really matters in our lives and gain a clear idea of which direction we’d like to head in our future.

Red Jasper also encourages you to set more boundaries in life whether that is in your job, relationships, or personal habits. When we set boundaries, we make space and time for more priorities in life….

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