12 Best Crystals for Dogs & How to Use Them

INSIDE: Oftentimes, when we adopt a new dog into our home, they become more than just a pet; they become family. Don’t we want to ensure those we consider family to be as healthy as possible? If your furry friend suffers from any difficult physical or emotional pain, why not consider utilizing crystals for dogs to help with their healing journey?


Historically, crystals have been used by shamans and other spiritual healers to restore balance and assist healing on all levels – physically, emotionally, spiritually, and mentally.

During ancient times, crystals were also used to heal animals, such as horses, cats, and even dogs. The power behind these crystals stems from the energy they emanate to balance chakras in the body. Dogs have chakras that need healing and balancing too.

Whether your furry friend needs calming support for their anxiety or relief for muscular or joint pain, there are a variety of crystals for dogs that can offer powerful energetic healing.

Gemstone Collections

How to Use Crystals for Your 4-Legged Friends

Using crystals to heal your furry friend is similar to the use of crystal healing for people. 

Before using crystals on your canine companion, it’s important to first pay a visit to your veterinarian to ask for their expert advice on what your dog may need.

Next, it’s time to identify which crystals may be appropriate to support your dog’s specific healing needs. If you are knowledgable in using crystals to heal yourself emotionally or physically, the same crystals may be used to support your pup, whether they need uplifting or calming energies, or physical support, such as joint pain relief.

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Here are a few recommendations you can follow to support your dog during their healing journey…

Place One Where They Sleep

This is a great way to test the waters and observe the healing powers of your crystals in a slow and safe manner.

Place your crystal of choice either under your pup’s bed, nearby, or on top of their crate. Start slow and work your way up to leaving the crystal around for longer periods of healing time. You will be able to observe the healing powers of these crystals over longer periods of time whether you are healing emotional or physical energy.

If you place the crystal under their bed, make sure to do so in a place that wouldn’t bring discomfort to them or where they won’t attempt to chew or swallow the crystal. If you worry that may happen, find a way to attach or sew the crystal to their bed.

If your dog reacts to the crystal in a negative manner, the crystal may be too energetically powerful for your pup. Make sure to remove the crystal if their energy seems off. 

best crystals for dogs

Offer a Crystal Massage

Offering a crystal massage to your furry friend is a great way to heal any physical pain they may be having. The energies of these crystals for dogs that we suggest below will transfer over to your pup in the areas you massage.

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To enhance the healing powers of this massage, we suggest warming up your stones in either the sun or hot water. The heat will strengthen the energy of these crystals and will create a more enjoyable experience for your pooch as well.

Be weary that some crystals cannot be placed in the sun or water, so do your research beforehand to figure out which will benefit from this heat transfer. These articles will help:

Crystals That Shouldn’t Be in the Sun

Crystals That Shouldn’t Be Placed in Water

Also, make sure you choose crystals that are smooth in order to ensure a comfortable healing experience for your dog. When healing aches and pains, the last thing you want to do is add more discomfort to the area that needs healing. Tumbled stones work best.

Make a Crystal Elixir

Creating a crystal elixir for your pup is a great way to send physical and emotional energies to them. When creating an elixir, you may either place these crystals for dogs either directly in their dog bowl, or infuse crystal water in a separate water bottle and then transfer the water to their bowl. This option is best if you are worried your pup may try to chew or swallow the crystals.

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Some crystals do break apart when immersed in water so make sure your crystal of choice is not water soluble.

Crystal elixirs are beneficial due to the energies that come through the crystals when drinking the water. The energy gained from the crystals is delegated directly to where healing energy may be needed the most.

Some crystals we suggest for a crystal elixir are Rose Quartz, Amethyst, and Clear Quartz. 

Crystal Keychains

Attach a Crystal Keychain to His Collar

Just like we would benefit from wearing a crystal necklace, there are some crystals for dogs that we suggest attaching to your pooch’s collar to receive similar benefits.

By attaching a crystal keychain to their collar, your pooch will receive its healing energies all the time.

Crystal keychains are a great addition to an anxious pup’s collar when taking your dog on a walk and interacting with strangers.

Try a variety of different crystals for dogs to observe…

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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in CosmicCuts.com. All the rights of content are owned by CosmicCuts.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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