11 Signs Your Throat Chakra Is Blocked

The Throat Chakra, also known as “the Communication Chakra”, the “Fifth Chakra” or in Sanskrit, “Vishuddha Chakra” is one of the main Chakras of the human body and it’s located at the base of the neck.

This Chakra governs our communication and ability to fully express thoughts, intentions, and emotions into the outer world.

The color associated with Vishuddha Chakra is blue and its corresponding element is ether.

Vishuddha is one of the most important energy centers in our body, due to the fact that the way in which we communicate shapes our world – good, honest communication helps us build lasting, deep relationships meanwhile an impaired, restrained communication might prevent us from living a powerful, authentic life.

Communication is a gift from above.

As they say, “Word creates the world”.

Words are so powerful that they can build bridges, or they can hurt people and destroy relationships.

We must be aware of the power that our words hold and use them wisely, as a sharp instrument that can help us build the world that we want.

two woman having conversation

Words are the purest expression of intent.

The Fifth Chakra is associated with our self-expression.

The way in which we manage to make our intentions understood correctly by others and fully express our thoughts and emotions is directly related to our ability to communicate.

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The Fifth Chakra is responsible for our voice and our ability to speak your mind, clearly, gracefully, and powerfully.

If you feel that you struggle with communication, or that you don’t manage to fully and freely express yourself, you might have your Throat Chakra blocked.

I have met people whose Throat Chakra was so blocked, that whenever they tried to say something, somehow, people around them understood the opposite of what they were trying to say.

The Communication Chakra can close or can be blocked as a result of poor education regarding speaking your mind, or due to trauma and anxiety.

If you suspect that your Throat Chakra could be blocked, have a look at the following signs and see if you recognize yourself in any of them:

11 Symptoms Of A Blocked Throat Chakra

1. You Experience Frequent Health Problems

woman experiencing health problems

In the area of your body that is governed by the Fifth Chakra – such as soreness of the throat, shoulder pain, hearing problems, impairments in the functioning of your thyroid gland, dental issues, mouth ulcers, and so on.

The Fifth Chakra is responsible for all our body parts located between our nose and chest, but especially for the throat, mouth, and ears – as these are the main organs involved in the emission and reception of information.

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The way in which we understand others or make ourselves understood is dictated by the degree in which our Throat Chakra functions, or not functions.

These physical symptoms are very easy to spot, but if you have reached the level of having a physical problem it means that the communication issue has been left unresolved for a very long time and that it’s time to take action and heal your Throat Chakra.

2. You Lack Self-Expression And Creativity

You struggle to express yourself, to say what you truly believe, or to express your creativity freely, without fear of judgment.

You feel like a little robot – you live your life on auto-pilot, accepting what it brings but not being able to respond to it or to take any initiative.

Maybe you used to have any sort of creative talent in the past, therefore the inability to express yourself creatively is even more painful for you.

When you do manage to speak your mind, no one seems to listen or to take you seriously.

When you manage to create a piece of art, no one appreciates it.

That’s because people feel your insecurity and you give out a vibe of fear and hesitation.

Until you do not unblock your Communication Chakra your words or creations will not inspire anyone.

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I strongly suggest that you work with a spiritual therapist to try and see what trauma blocks your creativity and self-expression, and then start taking steps towards healing.

3. You Are Very Shy And You Tend To Self-Isolate

woman who's shy is a sign of blocked throat chakra

You don’t feel comfortable in social situations, you are extremely shy when in a large group of people and you feel as if you “close” anytime someone tries to approach you.

This feeling of discomfort becomes so intense that it makes you avoid everyone, and you stop going to events that require meeting new people and getting out of your comfort zone.

This shyness has its roots into shame, therefore it has been created by unresolved trauma that it’s so deep that it destroys your self-confidence.

If you find that you are extremely shy and you feel strongly uncomfortable around people, I suggest that you find a good therapist to help you process any shame that you are still carrying with you from…

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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in SubconsciousServant.com. All the rights of content are owned by SubconsciousServant.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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