Love Omens: 17 Big Signs Love Is Coming

Love is one of the most magical things that we can experience. 

It is hard to define and difficult to explain, but true love is powerful and life-changing. 

But, did you know that there are often love omens scattered throughout the universe when love is coming?

In this article, I want to go through some amazing omens of love that show you that love is coming. 

By knowing these signs, you can be ready when love comes your way!

What Are The Love Omens That Show Love IS Coming?

So, what are the most common signs and omens of love? Let’s go through seventeen signs that true love is coming your way. 

You Feel Happy 

A common love omen is a general feeling of happiness.

This is actually one of the first things that you might notice when love is coming your way, as it will feel a little bit weird!

You will have a general feeling of lightness and ease, with troubles that usually bring you down feeling less important. 

This is because of the strong energies of love coming your way.

You will feel excited and hopeful, happy about where you are in life and where you are going. 

You Let Go of The Past

When we aren’t in love, we can fall into the trap of ruminating about past relationships.

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You may worry about what went wrong, and if you will ever meet someone again.

You may rerun past events in your head, looking for some sort of clarity. 

So, an omen that love is coming is when you stop worrying about past relationships and look towards the future.

You find yourself thinking about your exes less and less, and when you do, you aren’t overwhelmed with emotion. 

The universe is preparing you for new love, allowing you to leave your past in the past. 

You Experience Feelings of Joy When Seeing Love

A sure sign that love is coming your way is when you have general feelings of joy when seeing other people in love.

Perhaps you used to feel a bit cringy and jealous when seeing love shared between other people.

However, now when you see people in love, you feel excited and happy. 

The emotions you have towards love in the world will create a feeling of peace within you.

This is because you have an intuitive knowledge that the universe will send you love soon, and you are excited about this. 

You Start Noticing Love More 

Have you ever seen that Rebel Wilson film, Isn’t It Romantic?

Well, in the film, Rebel Wilson is knocked unconscious and then wakes up in a rom-com.

Flowers are in bloom, everything is beautiful, and there is love everywhere she looks!

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Okay, so love omens aren’t always that dramatic, but one sign that love is coming is when you notice love around you more.

Love and romance seem to be everywhere you look, with the world feeling a little bit brighter! 

This is because the universe is sending you the energy of love, providing you with signs that big love is coming. 

You Experience Synchronicities 

Synchronicities are super weird, and I am sure you have experienced them at one time or another.

Synchronicities are defined as meaningful coincidences, and they can appear in the universe in a range of ways. 

Have you ever been thinking of a friend, when suddenly their favorite song comes on the radio?

Or, maybe you have been out for a drive feeling down, and you look up, and there is a rainbow!

These are synchronicities, and they are typically understood as signs from the universe.

When love is coming your way, you may notice these types of signs more and more often.

You Have Romantic Dreams

Our dreams are really important when it comes to spirituality, as we can receive messages from the universe and our spirit guides during sleep.

This is because, when we are asleep, our souls are more active and our waking inhibitions are left to one side.

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We are more in tune with the spiritual realms, connecting with higher realms of existence and understanding. 

This means that one huge omen that love is coming is having romantic dreams.

The universe is sending us messages while we sleep, and we are experiencing these messages through dreams. 

If you are having romantic dreams, pay attention to the content.

Does a specific place or person keep cropping up in these dreams? How exactly are you feeling in your dreams? 

By analyzing your romantic dreams, you can gain guidance from the universe in regard to where and when you will find this big love. 

You Are Seeing Angel Numbers

Our guardian angels love to send us messages by leaving sequences of numbers in the world around us.

Perhaps every time you look at the clock, you see the number 11.11.

Or, maybe the number 444 keeps appearing on street signs and receipts. 

There are loads of reasons why our angels will be sending us sequences of numbers, but a big one is to tell us that true love is…

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