Feather Meanings: 12 Colors & Their Amazing Significance

“When feathers appear, the angels are near”

The spiritual significance of feathers has been acknowledged since times immemorial.

One could consider feathers to be something trivial, but, in fact, they are a strong spiritual tool that is often used to connect to the world of spirit or to enhance the effects of certain rituals.

People have been trying to deepen their understanding of feather meanings and their spiritual significance since they were still living in tribes. 

The first people to understand and recognize the spiritual importance of feathers were the shamans.

The shamans were the healers of every tribe, and they were studying all the plants and the environment in order to gain spiritual knowledge with which they could help people. 

Shamans had a strong connection with nature – with the earth, the plants, and the animals.

They were the first to speak about spirit animals and also the first to understand that plants had healing properties – and to tell which.

They were also the first who noticed that feathers are not always to be found, but only in those moments when one needs guidance and support.

Then, they tried to understand the difference between the different colors of feathers. 

Shamans in many cultures of the world believed that birds are sacred animals because they can fly up into the sky, thus being very close to God and heaven.

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Even if Christianity did not exist during those times, people were still believing in God and in the afterlife, but they were just using different names to refer to them.

Thus, as birds have this ability to fly in the sky, shamans believed that when they do that, they receive messages from the Divine which then are brought to earth, and shared with the right people. 

The Spiritual Significance Of Finding A Feather

feather meanings spiritual

Thus, the spiritual significance of feathers is that they bring messages from the Divine or from the angels, or even messages from deceased close ones who are trying to make contact with you. 

In the spiritual world, feathers are associated with receiving divine messages, with healing, to angels reaching out to you.

With being spiritually awakened and pursuing a spiritual path.

When you’re already on a spiritual path, your angels could transmit certain messages through feathers. 

How To Know What Message The Feather Brings

There are two ways to know what message the feather brings you. 

The first way is to meditate upon the feather.

When you find a feather, take it with you, then meditate upon it, to decode the message it carries. 

The second way is to take into account the color of the feather.

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It is said that each feather color represents something different, therefore, when you interpret the feather meaning, you can always take the color into account as well.

The best way to decode the feather’s message is to combine these two ways.

That means to research your feather’s color, while still doing the meditation. 

Knowing what your feather’s color represents will give you a broader frame for what type of message you are receiving, meanwhile, meditating on your feather can bring you more specific answers. 

For example, let’s assume that you find a white feather and you are trying to figure out what is the feather trying to tell you. 

Knowing that white feathers hold messages from deceased loved ones will help you know about the general meaning of the feather.

Meditating on the feather will help you feel who is the person trying to contact you and what they are trying to say.

How To Meditate On A Feather

what finding a feather symbolizes

If you want to meditate on the feather and decode the message that the feather holds, follow the next steps:

1. Get into a meditative state. This means to find a nice quiet spot where you can meditate, relax and your mind and your body, light a candle, play some relaxation music, or do whatever gets you “in the mood”.

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Hold the feather in your hands throughout the whole meditation process.

2. Declare your intention to decode whatever message the feather holds and to receive guidance from your angels and spirit guides.

You can also ask for guidance from the guides that sent you the feather. 

3. Mentally connect to the feather. After following the previous steps, strengthen your grip to the feather and imagine that you connect to it through your fingers.

Imagine a string of energy starting from your sixth chakra and going all the way to the feather.

This string of energy is meant to allow messages to travel from the feather to your consciousness.

Focus on the feather and allow the messages to come in, whether they come as ideas, words, or images. 

Feather Meanings: The Spiritual Meaning Of Each Feather Color

feather meanings for each color

Now that you know how to meditate on a feather in order to receive its hidden message.

I will…

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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in SubconsciousServant.com. All the rights of content are owned by SubconsciousServant.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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