5 Powerful Abilities Empaths Have

Being an empath is often viewed as a negative by society.

Being attuned to the emotions of others and being able to walk a mile in someone else’s shoes can leave an empath vulnerable to being used by others, as well as having their energy levels drained by perceived friends or even family.

I know I’ve found myself cursing my attuning and caring nature from time to time!

However, being an empath is actually a superpower, as there are a whole host of empath abilities that empathic people naturally possess which when harnessed correctly can be used to improve their lives, and most importantly; the lives of others. 

By understanding our empathic abilities, we empaths can be a force for good in society.

Being aware of our strengths can also help us empaths to mitigate our weaknesses, meaning we’re a lesser target of energy vampires and social manipulators.

In this article, therefore, we’ll be looking at some of the most powerful empathic abilities which can be harnessed to benefit the greater good. 

What is an Empath?

While I won’t go into detail here, let’s just give a quick reminder as to what an empath is.

Empaths have the unique ability to deeply understand and even feel the emotions of others.

They are able to put themselves in the shoes of another person, using that person’s frame of reference to truly view the experience as the person might feel it. 

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What are the Key Abilities of an Empath?

two people with empath abilities

While so many articles will focus on the negatives of being empathic or the things that empaths should be wary of, there are actually so many reasons why it’s great to be an empath, it’s just that many of us are so focussed on the well-being of others we forget to take stock of ourselves!

When empaths become aware of their ability they become a powerful force in any family, friend group, or workplace.

Powerful empaths can change the world as evidenced by famous empaths Mahatma Gandhi, Mother Theresa, and Nelson Mandela.

Here are some powerful empath abilities that empaths should strive to channel. 

1. The Seer

Empaths are amazing at seeing and analyzing a situation from all angles.

Able to see a scenario from the position of everyone involved, as well as pick up on underlying themes and symbology, an empath can be a seer in key interactions.

This powerfully penetrating insight allows the empath to detach themselves from the situation and assess what is sitting at its core.

This means that an empath is far more likely to come up with the perfect solution or compromise for any disagreement or be able to solve the troubles of those they care about.

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It is for this reason that those with powerful empath abilities can become visionary leaders.

2. Intuitive Self

This empathic ability can be undermined by nefarious individuals such as energy vampires who seek to undermine the self-esteem of others.

This is why it is so important for empaths to realize their power of intuition because it allows them to safeguard themselves from negative energies.

Because empaths are so attuned to their feelings and the feelings of others they have a strong ‘gut instinct’ or intuition, which can steer them clear of dangerous situations be this emotional, mental, spiritual, or even physical danger. 

If you’re an empath you’ll definitely have experienced moments where you have an unexplained gut feeling towards something that is almost always right.

This is your intuition speaking to you and you should always try to listen.

The same can be said for those reading this article who know an empath.

If your empath friend tells you they have a bad feeling about something, you should definitely listen!

3. Long-Distance Empathy

Have you ever been going about your day and have a particular person ping into your mind, or find yourself feeling a sudden need to reach out to someone in your circle despite being tens, if not hundreds of miles apart, or having fallen out of contact?

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This is one of the astounding abilities of empaths; to be able to ‘sense’ when someone they care about needs them, no matter the distance.

It is unclear why some empaths are able to do this, but it likely has something to do with the depth of connection they can experience with others. 

I myself have experienced this several times with my best friend who lives a few hours away.

My connection with my best friend is deep and spans over a decade.

I can almost always tell when she has a bad day, and sometimes I can even share a symptom with her!

For example, sometimes I have a headache, I don’t often get them, but upon messaging my friend I find that she’s feeling miserable because she’s had a migraine all day!

I can’t explain why this happens, but it’s certainly useful for keeping tabs on the people I love most!

showing empath abilities

4. Powerful Presence

A fully enlightened…

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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in SubconsciousServant.com. All the rights of content are owned by SubconsciousServant.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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