Water Magick – 6 Intriguing Facts | Welcome To Wicca Now

Hi lovelies and welcome to Wicca Now. As you might already know, Wicca Now is a place where Amaria and I write about everything related to witchcraft, Wicca, magick and spellwork. Recently we’ve been covering some of our favorite topics like moon magick, kitchen witchery and crystals for self-confidence. Today I thought I’d cover another topic close to my heart namely water magick.

Water Magick - Waves filmed beneath the ocean
Water magick is a wonderful way of connecting with the magickal qualities of water.

About Water Magick

Like many of you, I’ve always felt drawn to water. Even as a young child I remember spending hours emersed in the ocean, diving underneath the waves and feeling a complete sense of surrender to the energy of the waves. I’ve always loved to be near water, walking around a lake or near the edge of a river seems to have such a soothing effect. I even enjoy the feeling of water washing over my skin when I’m doing the dishes or washing my hands!

While I wouldn’t define myself as a strict water witch (I love too many other areas of witchcraft and nature to be able to confine myself to any one definition) I certainly incorporate many aspects of water magick and sea witchcraft into my practice and believe that there is so much value and wisdom to be found in this area of the craft.

Water Magick - Always dreaming about water

If like me, you’ve felt yourself being mysteriously drawn to water – regardless of whether its the ocean, lakes, rivers or simply the feeling of peace that washes over you when you shower or take a bath, chances are you might be a water witch!

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But what exactly is a water witch and how does water magick work? A water witch according to Annwyn Avalon in ‘Water Witchcraft’ is simply defined as ‘ one who works witchcraft and water and who is deeply connected to water and the spirits that dwell within’.

Water witchcraft is quite similar to sea witchcraft and sea magick, the only difference being that while a sea witch will confine him or herself to the shores of the ocean, a water witch will work her or his craft anywhere where there is water to be found. This might be beside rivers or lakes, in streams or ponds it might even be in the bathtub or shower!

Water magick - Ocean waves

Water itself has always occupied a magickal and often sacred space within the collective consciousness of humanity. The ancient celts believe that water was a liminal space and could function as a portal to the Otherworld. Holy springs, rivers and lakes are common within all religions and there are a prolific number of gods, goddesses spirits and jins named after water. All this simply goes to show that the magickal nature of water has always been recognised and worshipped and it also makes me think that its a grave mistake to abuse and pollute water the way modern society often does.

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The Science Of Water Magick

That water has special qualities has also been proven by science. Take for example the Japanese scientist Dr. Masaru Emoto who has proven that water can be affected by the conscious mind and actually changes its crystalline structure according to the thoughts we think. Dr. Emoto’s studies scientifically confirm what many within the witchcraft community have long believed, namely that thought and the efforts of will and imagination can cause changes to occur within physical reality. For me, this is really the definition of magick.

If you’d like to further understand the scientific principle behind water magick I highly recommend watching this documentary about Dr. Masaru’s work on water crystals.

Signs You Might Be A Water Witch

If you’re curious about whether you might be a water witch or a sea witch here are some common signs that might indicate that you are one. If you don’t experience any of these signs and you still feel drawn to water magick don’t worry, you can absolutely still choose to become a water or a sea witch.

  • You’ve always felt drawn to water or notice that you are becoming fascinated by water. You might dream about the ocean or about rivers and lakes. You might suddenly notice that you love the feeling of rain on your skin or maybe when you drink water you feel a deep appreciation for it.
  • You collect things from riverbanks, lakeshores or beaches. Whenever you’re near the water you tend to find bits of driftwood, shells or tumbled glass
  • You love to surf, swim or engage in other water-based sports and activities
  • When you meditate and visualise images of water often pop into your mind and you find these images to be deeply soothing or inspiring
  • As a child, you loved to jump in puddles and splash in the rain. Your parents often couldn’t get you out of the bathtub and during the holidays you were always in the pool or swimming in the ocean.
  • Your favourite travel or holiday destinations always revolve around water. You generally prefer to be near the beach, a river or close to a lake rather than up in the mountains or in the forest.
  • Star signs…

Click here to read this complete article.

Disclaimer : This article is originally published in WiccaNow.com. All the rights of content are owned by WiccaNow.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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