Wiccan Healing – A Comprehensive Guide | Welcome To Wicca Now

Hi, beauties! Because we’ve been writing so much about the magical properties of herbs, and have been discovering all of the incredible ways in which herbs can be used to enhance your love life, increase your feelings of self-love and even for protection, I thought now would be the perfect time to explore the topic of Wiccan healing.

We all have days when we’re feeling a little less energetic than we’d like (I know I do anyway) and sometimes a little healing magic can be just the ticket to give us that extra boost of energy. Along with the power of natural herbs, meditation and healthy eating, Wiccan healing can help to keep us and our loved ones healthy and happy so that we can enjoy our lives to the fullest extent.

Please note: The information and advice contained in this article are in no way offered as a substitute for consulting with a healthcare professional. If you are feeling unwell or suffering from any physical discomfort please seek the help of a trained doctor. All matters pertaining to your health should be supervised by a trained medical professional.

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While we firmly believe in the power of healing energies, never substitute them for advice from a trained professional!

Healing is a natural part of Wicca. Understanding the dynamics of energy, the power of mindfulness and the healing power of the natural world and her plants make up a cornerstone of Wiccan practice.

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For those of you who identify as witches, you will be well aware of the fact that witches were often also healers. Historically, witches were well versed in natural medicine and knew how to heal both physical as well as mental and spiritual illnesses. Herbs have been used in Pagan and Celtic spellcasting for thousands of years and there is a huge body of lore and history around using herbs for magic and healing.

Given this context, it makes sense that those interested in Wicca and witchcraft would also have an interest in the healing arts. To answer all of your questions and provide you with a thorough overview of the topic, I’ve divided this blog article into sections. Each section addresses a specific topic or question. If you would like to find an answer quickly, feel free to skip ahead to the content you need by clicking on one of the headers below.

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Harness the healing energies all around you when you are feeling low.

Wiccan Healing – All about Healing Symbols

Symbols play an important role in Wicca and we’ve written extensively about the topic in our wonderful guide to Wiccan symbols. But what are some of the specific symbols for healing and how can they be applied in real-life situations? Do healing symbols work? And what are some of the most effective known healing symbols? 

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Sigils or magical symbols are a powerful tool for spell casting and sigil magic happens to be one of my favourites! Sigils themselves are magical symbols that are designed to influence the world around us. The secret language of symbols and sigils can be one of the most effective ways of communicating with our subconsciousness as they are drawn from deep within our psyche.

Novice witches and Wiccans are often intimidated by the idea of sigil magic. This is because some sources tell us that sigils belong to the category of ‘higher magic’ and as such, are accessible only to advanced witches and Wiccans. I have found this to be categorically untrue. While some sigils may symbolise complex magical concepts which are indeed only decipherable by advanced practitioners, there are still plenty of ways in which sigil magic can be practised by Novice and beginner Wiccans and witches.

Anyone can practice sigil magic. All it takes is a little training and some basic understanding of the way in which magic works. To help you understand the basics of sigil magic lets first define what exactly a sigil is.

To understand a sigil lets first clarify the difference between a sign, a symbol and a sigil. 

  • A sign represents a point or an idea in a fairly clear and straightforward manner. Think of a road sign etc
  • A symbol represents a more complex or abstract idea or concept. Symbols may have a hidden or deeper meaning or truth than what we see at first glance.
  • A sigil is a carved, drawn or painted symbol which is believed to have magical powers.
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Now that we know that a sigil is really nothing more than a symbol which has been energised with magical intent, let’s discuss a little further what roles sigils can play in spell casting and magical work.  One of the primary functions of a sign or a sigil is they can simplify complex ideas. A single symbol can represent a whole situation and be quickly understood. Just as your name is a collection of letters which represents the whole of you, a sigil or symbol can represent an entire concept in just a few pen strokes.

Because of the sigils ability to simplify powerful ideas and concepts into an easy to understand pictorial form, they can help us to draw…

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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in WiccaNow.com. All the rights of content are owned by WiccaNow.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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