Reiki Combined: Reiki and Using the Pendulum

The pendulum is one of my favourite and preferred intuitive tools in my healing practice. Pendulum dowsing is particularly useful in obtaining “hidden” information… information that clients often prefer not to share but which may be vital to unlocking their path towards healing.

The pendulum has such a wide range of application and here are a few examples:

  • Establishing the course of action for future treatments. Apart from applying my own knowledge, experience and intuition, I make use of fan charts to assess or re-assess the specifics of client-specific Reiki treatments, e.g.:
    • Is a long chakra balance or a short chakra balance more appropriate for today’s treatment?
    • Is traditional Reiki, chakra-based Reiki or meridian based Reiki required today?
    • Should goal manifestation be included into today’s Reiki treatment?
    • Should a healing attunement be done as part of today’s Reiki treatment?
    • Should other healing methods be included into today’s Reiki treatment, e.g., crystals, affirmations, oracle cards, etc.
    • If crystals are to be incorporated today, which crystals?
  • With a distant healing session, the pendulum is also particularly useful to access the quantum field to obtain information the client doesn’t necessarily communicate and which remains “hidden” because of the lack of contact and being able to read the client’s energy field, tone of voice or any other clues that one would normally pick up during an in-person session. Here, again, fan charts can be used to gain insight and guidance to determine the following for example:
    • Are we addressing the past, present or future within the context of this healing session?
    • What specific aspect or aspects need to be addressed? E.g., relationships, health, limiting beliefs, money/finances, personal growth, self-sabotages, etc.
    • Are there any problems with the aura, e.g., energy debris, cracks in the aura’s energy shield, parasitic cords, watchers, etc.
  • Within the Reiki treatment itself I often use dowsing as a scanning tool. Pendulum dowsing is a quick and accurate way of establishing energy flow and blockages in a client, particularly where scanning by hand is for some reason not possible. By using a pendulum and dowsing over each chakra the energetic status and well-being (i.e., being balanced/under energised/over energised) of each chakra can be determined. During the Reiki treatment I am then guided by this awareness to focus on specific chakras if necessary. A quick check-in with the pendulum after a treatment will confirm the effectiveness of the treatment by indicating the new post-treatment status of the energy body of the client… the pendulum usually confirms that the energy body is now healthy, balanced and vibrant with a comfortable, rhythmic clockwise swing!
Reiki Combined: Reiki and Using the Pendulum
  • With cord cutting the pendulum is a wonderful and useful tool for finding the exact location of point of attachment the etheric cord or any other spiritual or negative energy attachment. I also often…
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