Sacred Geometry: Symbols, Patterns and Meanings Explained

Sacred Geometry Symbols Patterns

Imagine this. You’re walking down the road in early winter, and it suddenly begins to snow. Tiny snowflakes fall on your jacket. Before you brush them off, a single snowflake falls on your palm.

And you suddenly notice what a wonderfully unique shape the snowflake has! It’s a charming-looking geometrical pattern that almost feels mystical. 

You know what? It feels mystical because it is so.

Nature is full of such fascinating and inspiring patterns. For example, when was the last time you sat back and noticed the shape of a snail?

A snail has a one-of-a-kind spiral shell, yet similar patterns can be found in other objects in nature.

When you begin to take note of these shapes, you suddenly see them everywhere. From the branches of a tree to the star up in the clear, black night sky, the Universe suddenly seems to be filled with shapes and patterns.

And if you’re wondering whether there’s any spiritual meaning attached to these shapes, I’m here to tell you that there most definitely is.

These shapes that you see everywhere form a particular branch of study known as sacred geometry. Sacred geometry and its spiritual connection are too vast to be covered in one article.

But let’s go through an overview of these patterns to understand better how they affect your life. And most importantly, let’s see how you can use sacred geometry symbols and patterns for your spiritual upliftment.

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What is Sacred Geometry?

Do you remember Mathematics classes in high school? Geometry was one of the most loved and most hated topics, wasn’t it?

That’s probably when you learned what geometry means. And if you’ve forgotten, here’s a quick refresher.

Geometry is a field of mathematics that deals with the characteristics and relationships of points, lines, surfaces, solids, and their higher-dimensional counterparts.

Measurements in geometry begin with points and lines and later take up various shapes such as triangles, squares, circles, and so on. Anything that has a shape can be classified into one of the geometrical patterns.

Well, that’s good to know. Geometry is a measurement of shapes. But what makes it sacred?


Well, certain shapes and patterns that we see repeatedly around us in nature are part of sacred geometry.

They are sacred because they form the very basis of life, of creation. Everything that has been created has a geometrical pattern.

And you see them everywhere, from the cornea of your eye to the distant planet over the horizon. They are even present at the microscopic and cellular levels.

The repeated nature of these patterns and shapes is mathematical and scientific proof that the universe was created by a source of common energy. In short, these sacred geometry patterns tell us that all you see around you (or don’t see) is unified, or one.

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Everything is connected with energy that has radiated from the Absolute. These are cosmic patterns that indicate that the Universe is woven with a mathematical model.

And that’s why these patterns are sacred. And that’s why delving into them can help you understand your higher self and the unifying link you have with everything else that exists.

The concept of sacred geometry is quite old. The cosmic patterns and equations have been seen in civilizations as old as the Egyptians and the Mesopotamians.

And they have been used in various man-made structures since. These structures include the mighty pyramids, old temples, churches, and other places of worship.

Their common goal has always been to take the human soul closer to the higher power and unify it with the divine.

Platonic Solids in Sacred Geometry

To understand sacred geometry better, let’s look at the building blocks of the shapes we see around us. These shapes are called platonic solids.

Platonic solids are nothing but three-dimensional solid shapes with straight edges and flat faces. These shapes are also called polyhedrons.

So, why the name platonic?

Remember the great philosopher Plato? He tried to make a connection between the five elements of the earth and these five solid shapes.

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The elements include air, water, earth, fire, and ether.

Other ancient cultures have also represented these five shapes again and again in their scriptures. So, what are these five platonic solids and what do they stand for?

Let’s take a look.

Platonic Solids


This shape consists of 4 triangles and represents fire. This fire helps you see things as they are. It throws light on certain aspects of your spiritual being so that you may accept what’s been done and start fresh.

It provides your mind the much-needed balance that you may need when moving on to something new.


A hexahedron is a 6-sided solid or a cube that represents the earth. Because it carries in itself the vibrations of the earth, the shape is commonly used for grounding.

If you’re stressed and need to connect back to your roots, the cube is your guide. It helps you calm yourself…

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