Three Nadis | Ida, Pingala & Sushumna

Three Main Nadis - Ida Pingala Sushumna

Whenever you feel a particular type of emotion, say happiness, often, you may be able to associate that feeling with a rush of energy.

Similar energy rushes may happen when you are actively involved in a particular task or doing something creative.

Have you ever wondered how this energy rush occurs?

From the physical perspective, this energy flow can be credited to the presence of our central nervous system.

The nervous system has two forms that govern our bodies, namely, the sympathetic nervous system and the parasympathetic nervous system.

While the sympathetic nervous system deals with the actions and immediate reactions, the parasympathetic nervous system is all about rest and nourishment.

But this is all on the physical level. There is also another form of energy flow that happens on the astral level, or at the subtle metaphysical level that cannot be seen but exists within our beings.

This energy flow takes place through a vast network of channels or pathways, called Nadis.

  • So, what exactly are Nadis, and how does the energy flow through them?
  • Is there a way to make these Nadis more efficient?

If such questions are going through your mind, it is time to sit back and read through this post to understand the key aspects of Nadis. 

What Are Nadis?

In Sanskrit, Nadis meaning originates from the word “nad“, which means flow, usually of water, which is unrestricted and provides nourishment wherever it goes.

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Within our subtle beings, nadis are referred to as channels or pathways through which the energy from the chakras (energy vortexes) flows unrelentingly, feeding every minute portion of our being as it moves.

Nadis and chakras combined transmit life energy, or prana, through which all our physical, emotional, and spiritual actions and reactions are manifested. 


The Three Main Nadis

Now, you are probably thinking, if Nadis are pathways of energy, there must be thousands of them running all over our body.

And you are right. In some yogic scriptures, it is mentioned that there are at least 72,000 Nadis in each human being.

Some scriptures even go on to suggest that there are more, with numbers as high as 350,000. Of all these Nadis, there are three most important ones that we are going to talk about here.

The three main Nadis are Ida, Pingala, and Sushumna, and they are all connected to the seven core chakras that run down our spine.

Yes, it is surprising how the connection of Nadis with the central nervous system pops up every time.

Coming back to the three Nadis, while Ida originates on our left side, Pingala begins its journey on the right, and Sushumna flows centrally.

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The three Nadis meet at the Ajna Chakra (between the eyebrows) and continue to flow through the rest of the body.

Let us now dive deeper and see how these three Nadis function and how prana and Nadis keep on nourishing our beings, one through the other, so that we remain healthy and balanced. 

Nadis and Chakras Chart - Ida Pingala Sushumna

Ida Nadi

The Ida Nadi is responsible for all your emotional responses. Remember how we talked about the parasympathetic nervous system?

Well, think of the Ida Nadi as the corresponding channel to the parasympathetic nervous system, except, instead of being physically present in the body, this Nadi is more symbolical, and is present within our subtle beings.

Ida reflects the characteristics of the moon and hence, controls the subconscious aspects of our mind.

Think of feelings such as happiness, sorrow, desire, etc. These are the feelings associated with the Ida Nadi.

If this particular Nadi is weak, the energy that flows through it turns negative, which gives rise to evil emotions, such as irrational desire, addictions, lethargy, fear, and so on.

Pingala Nadi

Let us now see how the Pingala Nadi flows. If the Ida Nadi bears the characteristics of the moon, then the Pingala Nadi is the extreme opposite of it.

Yes, you guessed it right. The Pingala Nadi derives its nature from the sun.

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And as we are talking about opposites, I think it is easy to correlate the Pingala Nadi with our sympathetic nervous system.

The Pingala Nadi, thus, carries all the energy that is required for any activity, be it mental or physical.

If your Pingala Nadi is strong, you would be known as an active person, more often with a creative bent of mind.

However, if the Pingala Nadi is allowed to continue to grow in strength, neglecting the Ida Nadi, you are likely to turn into an ego-centric, selfish person, with no feelings or compassion.

Sushumna Nadi

So, how does our system create a balance between the Ida and the Pingala Nadis?

That is the task of the third and the most crucial Nadi, which is the Sushumna Nadi.

In the physical world, the Sushumna Nadi may be thought to correspond to the spine. In the system of chakras, this Nadi runs through the middle of the seven chakras, with Kundalini at the base.

The Sushumna Nadi is all about awareness, righteousness, faith, and revelation.


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