Feng Shui Dining Room Tips for More Connection & Fulfillment

INSIDE: When you have the right feng shui dining room tips, you can enhance your life with more happiness and fulfillment. Try these tips to help you create a better flow of energy that supports a happy family.


Growing up, family meals were a memorable part of our lives. Unsurprisingly, a study published by NCBI has confirmed that something seemingly as simple as a family meal can help improve the overall sense of connectedness among family members.

How we schedule family gatherings around the dining table can do a lot to harmonize relationships. Not only that but how we organize the space itself can directly affect how we and others feel in the dining space.

Do we feel joyous? Or, do we associate the dining table with conflict?

Well, thanks to the following feng shui dining room tips, we can consciously make changes to raise the vibration of the space and associate it with positive vibes.

Here’s how…

Why Feng Shui Dining Room Tips Matter

The dining room is a place that promotes togetherness. Not only that, but because it’s the central element, the table stands in the center Bagua of the room, it is closely linked to our happiness and personal fulfillment.

Because of that, this is a place of nourishment and it’s crucial for maintaining our wellbeing. This area of the home is essential for physical wellbeing and it serves to release stress and feed our soul with fruitful conversations and healthy food. 

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When cultivated right, the energy, or chi, in the room can help cherish interpersonal relationships. Conversely, it can accumulate tension and stress if done poorly.

When we make it a more inviting place that everyone loves, we naturally work to attract more prosperity and abundance our way.

The dining room is one of the most potent places in a home for creating positive chi and it can work to attract success through connections and family, growth, and good health.

To amplify this potent energy, here are some crucial tips to follow to stimulate free energy flow and create good chi.

Spiritual Gifts

Start With the Feng Shui Dining Room Layout

The overall layout of the dining room makes a big impact on how we will feel when we are using the space. Pay attention to the following key aspects of your feng shui dining room.

Separate the Dining Room From Other Areas

If you are in the process of building a home, make sure the dining room isn’t going to share doors with a bathroom.

In feng shui, the bathroom isn’t so auspicious as it symbolizes waste and drainage of energy. On the other hand, the dining room is a place where we feed our bodies and nourish ourselves, hence the energetic mismatch.

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If you already have that type of layout in your home, hanging small mirrors on both sides of the doors will minimize unwanted vibrational interference.

If a dining room is a part of the kitchen or a living room, use luxurious, healthy houseplants to create energetic interference and minimize the impact of negative energy coming from other areas of your home.

Table Positioning

Doors and windows are energetic gateways for chi to flow through the home. Therefore, it’s important that no seat is fully looking away from the doors. 

To ensure this, the ideal way to position a table in a square or a rectangular room is diagonal. The main reason for that lies in the way the chi flows.

When a table is positioned parallel to the longest walls, the chi flow is sharp, energetic, and rushed. This can also create blockages to energy flow and even keep unwanted energy stuck in corners of the room.

It creates anxiety and nervousness amongst everyone sitting at the table and can stimulate misunderstandings, overeating, or hasty eating. It creates a high likelihood that one or more dining chairs will be facing doors, which creates a sense of tension and powerlessness.

Conversely, placing a table diagonally will slow down the flow of rushed energy and create more harmony in the space.

Dining Room and Connection

Strong Seat & Weak Seat

When it comes to a feng shui dining room, every chair by the dining table can be considered “weak” or “strong” depending on how it is placed.

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The strong seat is the one that is furthest from the door and has a direct view of the doors and the window. This puts the person sitting there in a commanding position. In other words, it makes them feel comfortable and empowered.

This space can be reserved for guests to make them feel welcome and help them relax.

The weak seat is the one that is turned back from a window and can make a person sitting there feel exposed or anxious.

If avoiding this is impossible, it’s wise to place a mirror across from that chair to give the spot a more commanding position and relax the person sitting there. This is particularly potent if a mirror is facing beautiful scenery.

Ideally, no seat should be directly turned away from a door or window. If a table is not round, the east-facing side of the table is ideal for the level-headed head of the family, while north and west are ideal for children.

Having children…

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