Best Divination Tool for Your Chinese Zodiac Sign | Astrology Answers

Have you ever wondered what the best divination tool is for your Chinese Zodiac sign?

Perhaps not, but it is a fascinating topic and one which can undoubtedly help you, depending on what sign you are!

Divination is a method of predicting the future. It is not for answering questions such as, “Will I win the lottery?” or “What will be the name of the person I will marry?” but divination tools can be used more like guidance and advice that can help lead you in the right direction.

Not sure what your Chinese Zodiac sign is? Your sign is determined by your birth year. Use this free Chinese Zodiac Sign Calculator to find yours.

Do I Have to Have Psychic Ability to Use Divination?

Hey, everyone has a psychic ability to some degree! It’s just a question of tapping into it. It takes a combination of intuition and knowledge to use divination, and the best part is that anyone can do it!

But different divination works for different people. If you already use divination, you will be familiar with this. You may be naturally skilled in one but find another one difficult.

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Time to Try These Divination Tools

So which divination tool is best for your Chinese Zodiac sign? Read on to find out?



As a Rat, you have a keen and methodical mind. Problem-solving is a specialty of yours, and you can spend hours analyzing and thinking in order to come up with a solution.

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Numerology is the divination tool for you. It’s quite scientific in its methods and also combines plenty of knowledge for you to sink your teeth into.

This ancient method of divination assigns spiritual significance to numbers and allows you to dig deep when using divination so that you have plenty of information to analyze and think about.



Bibliomancy is the art of using books to offer guidance and advice.

It is quite a simple method of divination. You simply ask a question, open a book and read the page or paragraph that you feel most drawn to.

As someone who prefers things to be straightforward, Ox, this is the best divination tool for you and provides you with quick instructions and guidance that allows you to ruminate it on your own afterward.



As a sign who values your open and adventurous mind, Tiger, the Tarot is the divination tool for you!

The Tarot consists of 72 cards, each of which tells its own story. When cards are drawn for a Tarot reading, all of them come together to paint a picture that gives you an answer to your question.

As someone who loves exploring stories and likes variety, the endless possibilities of the Tarot work well with your naturally creative mind and sense of adventure! Plus, you can experiment with different Tarot decks, depending on your mood.

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Automatic Writing

As a sign that doesn’t like things to be too complicated and someone with powerful intuition, automatic writing works very well for you.

You simply take a pen and paper, clear your mind and then let the words flow onto the paper.

This allows your mind to stay blank and relax as you are writing, Rabbit. The words that appear come from your intuition and soul and can help guide you with whatever issue you are facing.


Crystal Ball

You are the type who doesn’t stop until they have reached their goal, Dragon! The crystal ball can be challenging, but it can be extremely rewarding—and this is just the way you like it!

Gazing into the crystal ball requires patience and self-mastery, two things that you are determined to build on. The images that appear in the crystal ball are messages from your subconscious and the universe, answering the question you ask of the ball.

With practice, you can become a fantastic crystal ball reader—and you know you can get there!


Tea Leaves

Many may be confused trying to understand how tea leaves can read your future, but not you, Snake! You are someone with the patience and mind to understand this particular form of divination.

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Take a cup of tea with tea leaves at the bottom and place the leaves before you. Studying them then gives you answers to the questions you have. It requires quite a bit of studying too, which you enjoy, and combined with your strong intuition, you can become a powerful tea leaves reader in no time.

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Scrying Mirror

I know we joke about the Horse being a little on the vain side, but a scrying mirror really is the tool for you!

Gazing into a mirror while clearing your mind and ensuring you cannot be disturbed can yield images, thoughts, words, and patterns that can be very revealing.

Writing down everything that you see in the mirror (which isn’t your reflection!) can be mind-blowing. Who would have thought a mirror could be such a powerful form of divination?


Oracle Deck

As one of the most sensitive and intuitive signs of the Chinese Zodiac, dear Goat, the Oracle deck works perfectly for you.

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