10 Famous Empaths – Some Of These May Surprise You

While emotionally sensitive people make up 15-20% of the population of the world, it is estimated that under 5% of us are true empaths.

This is why the gifts of the empathic individual are so special and can lead to great things.

In this article we’ll be delving deeper into the measurable potential of the empath, we’ll be reviewing the intrinsic traits of empaths, as well as the careers and lifestyles you’ll most likely find them in.

Lastly, we’ll be looking at some of the famous faces that epitomize what true empaths can achieve if they channel their empathic abilities.

Some faces on this list may surprise you, I know I was surprised for two reasons.

Firstly, I was surprised at how few famous empaths I could find.

However, when I thought about this more closely it didn’t surprise me as much.

Empaths rarely seek glory or recondition for their abilities that are often so innate that they don’t realize they possess them. Secondly, I was surprised and proud to fall into the same group (I’m an empath myself) as some of the greatest individuals in living memory.

As empaths we’re so often negatively targeted, so to see the true potential of being emotionally empowered was inspiring.

Let’s Clarify What A True Empath Is

Empaths are individuals with the ability to feel the emotions of others as though they were their own.

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It is deeper than simply understanding how someone else is feeling, as the empath feels the emotion too as though it were their own.

They are able to walk a mile in someone else’s shoes and possess high levels of intuition. Empaths are natural healers and tend to be consistent and reliable.

What are the Traits of an Empath?

Empaths can often be identified by the following traits.

We all have elements of the empathic within us, and many of you reading this article will connect with a couple of points on this list.

Powerful empaths, such as those on our list tend to possess the majority, if not all of these traits.

  • Highly Sensitive: As empaths are open and so emotionally attuned they can be highly sensitive and can have their feelings easily hurt.
  • Emotional Sponges: Empaths absorb the emotions of others both good and bad. They can often feel emotions to the extreme.
  • Introverts: It is more common for introverts to be empaths over extroverts.
  • Intuitive: Empaths tend to have incredible intuition. This is because they are so attuned to the world around them. Because of this intuition, empaths also have a strong concept of right and wrong, and will often fight against injustice.
  • Reflection: Empaths can become burnt out by the emotions of others and need time alone to reflect and recuperate.
  • Intimacy: Because they feel everything so deeply empaths can struggle with intimate relationships.
  • Nature: Natural spaces are soothing to empaths. This is because many empaths are also introverts and therefore need spaces of calm to recharge and refocus. Nature provides the perfect escape for empaths.
  • Givers: Empaths are natural givers, they’re happiest when making someone else happy, and can sometimes give too much of their energy, leaving themselves drained.
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Empathic Professions

Because they are used to being attuned to the abstract (emotions) empaths thrive best in creative roles.

Empaths also struggle when they are forced to a routine as they tend to be fluid entities.

Therefore you’re likely to find empaths as self-employed, freelance (like me!) or independent individuals.

They can often be trailblazers or pioneers in their field.

Empaths commonly find themselves as; writers, artists, actors, and musicians.

They tend to be successful in this type of role due to the emotional authenticity they give their work.

Empaths understand emotion better than anyone, so the work they produce tends to be relatable to a wider audience.

You may think that as natural caregivers careers in medicine, animals, and care are well suited to empaths, but oftentimes this isn’t the case.

While these careers certainly do require empathy to fulfill, they also require a degree of emotional detachment that empaths struggle to achieve.

Instead, many empaths who feel a calling to care for others will settle themselves in more pastoral roles where they can connect with others and provide aid on a one-on-one level.

Examples of this would include social workers, volunteers, and non-profits.

❤️ Related Post: Best Careers For Each TYPE Of Empath

10 Famous Empaths

You’ll likely be familiar with every name on this list as when an empath achieves their full potential they can become an unstoppable force for good.

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In this list of famous empaths, I’ve organized the individuals featured one to ten, in regards to the empathic impacts they’ve had upon the world.

This isn’t an exhaustive list by any means.

Remember, empaths tend to be humble and introverted…

Click here to read this complete article.

Disclaimer : This article is originally published in SubconsciousServant.com. All the rights of content are owned by SubconsciousServant.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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