2 Crystal Reiki Protocols When Dealing with Loss of a Child

In our activity, as therapists, we are sometimes confronted with some complicated situations our clients are going thru. Recently, I’ve been confronted with two of these heavy situations, one involving the loss of a child as a result of a clinical abortion, around six months, and the other with the suicide of a son in his late thirties and, I would like to share with you the treatments I followed with each one of them.

The Clinical Abortion

At the age of thirty-nine Alicia (fictitious name), had to take the hard decision to have a clinical abortion, due to malformation of the fetus, at six months of pregnancy. In addition, the infant’s father abandoned her and she was left alone to deal with both situations.

When she “came to my hands”, six months after the abortion, her energy system was completely upside down, several chakras were in a very poor shape and she was, also, physically down. She agreed with my suggestion of having four consecutive treatments and a weekly treatment, subject to evaluation after, at least, two months.

Notwithstanding the above, as she wanted to be a mother, she is following a treatment to prepare her for an “in vitro” fertilization.

Since I use crystals in my treatments, I decided to use them with her and selected: Rose Tourmaline; Moss Agata; Tears of Apache (a vitreous form of obsidian); Fluorite; Smoked Quartz; Cornelian; Charoite; Malachite; Seraphinite; Selenite; Labradorite; Citrine; Rutilated Quartz and Quartz Scepter.

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Of course the crystals were not used all at the same time and I had the following sequence with twelve hands positions (Frontal; Parietal; Ears; Back of the Head; Third Eye Position; Throat, Heart, Solar Plexus; Sexual, Root Chakras; sometimes instead of the Knee and Feet positions as she had very fragile roots I used also, in each leg, one hand at the heap and the other on the Foot Chakra).

  • Tears of Apache – during Frontal and Parietal positions;
  • Fluorite (on all chakras exception made to Crown Chakra) – during Ears; Back of the Head and Third Eye positions;
  • Moss Agata (on all chakras exception made to Crown Chakra) – during Throat; Heart and Solar Plexus Chakra positions (sometimes the Moss Agata was used before the Fluorite).
  • Charoite and Labradorite on the Frontal Chakra plus Seraphinite and Malachite on Heart and Solar Plexus Chakras – during the Sexual Chakra and Legs positions.
  • Cornelian at Sexual chakra, Rose Tourmaline at the Heart chakra and Smoked quartz at the Root chakra were used twice (fifteen minutes each time during the treatment, regardless of the hands positions).
  • Citrine was used at the Solar Plexus chakra whenever I sensed it was adequate.
  • Whenever Rutilated Quartz was used the treatment was adapted mainly varying the utilization time of each crystal.
  • After the hand’s positions sequence, the uterus received additional fifteen minutes of Reiki using altogether, Seraphinite; Malachite and Selenite and, more recently Quartz Scepter.
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After use,…

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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in reikirays.com. All the rights of content are owned by reikirays.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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