41 Affirmations To Boost Your Self-Worth | Aglow Lifestyle

Let’s face it, we all struggle with our self-worth from time to time; even I slip into “negative mode” occasionally.

A lot of us spend years and even decades feeling unworthy or inferior in some way, but fortunately, there is a solution, and it’s simple.

It’s called affirmations.

Affirmations are positive phrases that you tell yourself repeatedly until they become a permanent part of who you are.

The more often you say something, the more likely you are to believe it.

But remember, it’s not just about the words you choose, but also your mental state when you say them.

So, here are 41 affirmations you can use to start boosting your self-worth.

Why is it important to look after your self-worth?

You might be wondering why it’s so important to look after your self-worth.

Well, as you will see, people with a low sense of self-worth tend to struggle in key areas of their life, such as:

  • Confidence.
  • Self-esteem.
  • Achieving their dreams.
  • Dealing with criticism.
  • Feeling lovable and worthy of being loved.
  • Overall happiness.

To put it simply, when you value yourself and love yourself, everything in your life tends to be so much easier.

Considering the fact that you are going to spend a majority of your life with yourself, doesn’t it make sense to make sure you love and value yourself?

When you have a high self-worth, you live a happier life, are more confident around other people, and tend to achieve your goals.

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When you look after your self-worth, you’ll also find that you are more relaxed and accepting of yourself.

What are the symptoms of low self-worth?

Before we look at the affirmations, I wanted to touch on a few symptoms of low self-worth.

If you recognize any of the following symptoms, you might need to work on boosting your self-worth.

  • You see yourself as unworthy or inferior.
  • If you feel like you are unworthy of love and friendship.
  • You don’t feel like you deserve good things in life.
  • You constantly compare yourself to others.
  • You feel like you are the problem in every situation.
  • You feel insecure and overly sensitive.

These symptoms might seem small, but they can really damage your quality of life.

And if you think about it, these symptoms are only a small glimpse of the damage a low sense of self-worth can do to your life.

At its worst, people with low self-worth can find themselves depressed, bitter, and alone.

What causes low self-worth?

So, what causes a person to have a low sense of self-worth?

Well, the answer is pretty simple.

Over years and years of “self-talk,” we convince ourselves that we are unworthy and inferior.

Like I mentioned earlier, the more often you think about something, the more likely you are to believe it.

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So, the things we tell ourselves daily slowly eat away at our self-esteem, confidence, and our belief in ourselves.

The interesting thing is, we do this to ourselves without even realizing it.

We can go through years of telling ourselves we are not good enough, smart enough, or attractive enough, and never even stop to think what it might be doing to us.

Without even knowing it, we convince ourselves that we are not worthy of what we want most in lifelike.

So, in short, our own thoughts, feelings, and beliefs can cause us to have low self-worth.

41 affirmations to boost your self-worth

1. I am worthy of love, and I shall always be loved.

2. I feel confident.

3. Each day, I feel more comfortable with who I am.

4. I am a good person.

5. I am allowing happiness to enter my life.

6. I deserve happiness and good things.

7. I am a good and capable person.

8. I love my life, and I approve of myself.

9. Each day, I feel better about who I am.

10. I believe in my dreams and goals, and I know I will achieve them.

11. I don’t hold onto negative thoughts.

12. I deserve to be happy.

13. I feel good about myself and feel confident in my own skin.

14. I am a good person, and I have a lot to offer this world.

16. I appreciate myself.

17. I have love for myself.

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18. I allow myself to be happy and accept good things in my life.

19. I am becoming more loving and accepting of myself each day.

20. I don’t allow other people’s opinions to affect me.

21. I don’t compare myself to others.

22. I radiate confidence and love to those around me.

23. I allow myself to feel good about who I am.

24. I can achieve my dreams easily.

25. I find it easy to feel confident.

26. I am always comfortable in my skin.

27. I never give up on myself, and I know I can succeed at anything I want to do.

28. I am more than good enough for everything I want in life.

29. I have amazing potential.

30. I mean something in this world, and I am important.

31. I let go of negative thoughts and do not allow them to take over my mind.

32. I deserve to be loved and cared for by those around me.

33. I give myself permission to be happy.

34. I love the person I have become.

35. Every day, I am becoming more self-confident.

36. I see myself in a positive light.

37. My life is wonderful.

38. I give myself the…

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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in aglowlifestyle.com. All the rights of content are owned by aglowlifestyle.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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