What Is a Full Moon Hangover and How to Handle It? | Aglow Lifestyle

Do you ever feel tired or drained during a full moon?

You are not the only one, apparently.

You could have a full moon hangover, a condition prevalent in the days following, during, and after a full moon.

So, what is a full moon hangover, and who do you handle it?

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What is a full moon hangover?

A full moon hangover is a condition when you feel unusually feel the negative effects of a full moon.

How you will feel during a full moon hangover is different for everyone – some people feel anxious, agitated, tired, and even unable to sleep.

The full moon can heighten your emotions, causing irritability, anger, sadness, and even depression.

However, the full moon can also help provide growth, new opportunities, and a fresh start.

Everyone deals with the effects of a full moon hangover differently.

How long does a full moon hangover last?

Full moon hangovers usually last for 1-2 weeks after the full moon.

In the days leading up to a full moon, you may feel tired and lack motivation.

During a full moon hangover, you will likely feel exhausted, agitated, and even depressed.

During the full moon hangover, you may have symptoms such as:

  • Difficulty falling asleep.
  • Wake up with a feeling of unrest.
  • Feelings of anxiousness.
  • Feeling drained and worn out.

Dont stress because these symptoms will go away eventually.

How to handle a full moon hangover

There are many articles online detailing how you can “cure” a full moon hangover, but this is not possible.

Instead, you should try to handle a full moon hangover as best as you can by following the tips below:

1. Understand the cycle of the moon

Each phase of the lunar cycle – waxing, full, waning, full moon, and new moon – has a different effect on your body.

Also, the sign that the full moon will be in can affect your emotions and behavior.

The best thing you can do is understand the lunar cycle, how it affects your body, and what you can do to make the full moon’s effects more manageable.

You can do this by writing down how you feel during the different lunar phases. Track your emotions, your sleep pattern, how energized you feel. Doing this will help you understand the full moon better.

2. Accept how you feel

If you feel anxious, depressed, or irritable during a full moon hangover, then accept that this is okay.

Do not fight how you feel, and do not try to push these feelings away.

Instead, embrace how you feel and understand that this is just a part of the moon’s cycle.

Soon these negative feelings will pass, and they will bring positive opportunities and growth.

3. Take care of your wellbeing

Sometimes it’s hard to avoid the full moon hangover, but there are some things that you can do to keep yourself healthy.

A full moon hangover can deplete your energy, so it’s important to make sure you eat foods that provide healthy nutrients.

Stay hydrated during the full moon to keep your energy levels high.

Make sure you are getting enough sleep and making time for activities that help you relax and be happy.

Your wellbeing is important, so make sure you take care of yourself.

4. Prepare for a shift in energy

Even if you do everything right, a full moon hangover can still be a difficult experience.

The best way to handle this is to anticipate the full moon and prepare accordingly.

Anticipating a full moon hangover means you can plan to make sure you have what you need.

This can include getting enough sleep, planning time to relax, and making sure you have food that makes you feel good.

Preparing for a full moon hangover helps you to be less stressed and overwhelmed during the experience.


Why am I so tired after a full moon?

You’re tired during a full moon because you are trying to process all the new information coming in.

The full moon brings extra energy into your body, which you are not used to.

Doing anything new can cause fatigue because your body is working hard to get used to the change.

In time, you will get used to the energy and will not be as tired after the full moon.

Can a full moon drain your energy?

Yes, the energy of the full moon can be draining.

The reason for this is because the energy of the full moon is very intense.

This kind of intense change can be draining on your body, so it’s important to give your body extra love and support during a full moon.

Be patient with your body, do not fight how you feel, and try to relax during the full moon.

How do you recover from a full moon?

You can recover from a full moon by doing things to enhance your wellbeing.

Take care of your body, try to relax, and make sure you are staying hydrated.

Give yourself time during the full moon hangover to process the energy so that you can move forward.

Doing this will help you recover from a full moon much more quickly.

Can a full moon cause anxiety?

Yes, a full moon…

Click here to read this complete article.

Disclaimer : This article is originally published in aglowlifestyle.com. All the rights of content are owned by aglowlifestyle.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.
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