Seeing Angel Number 144? Here’s The AMAZING Meaning Of This Number

Seeing the same number over and over again likely means you are getting a sign from your guardian angel.

Angels use numbers as signs all of the time.

If you start to notice the number 144 more often—you glance at the clock at 1:44 every day or you start 144 on every other license plate as you’re driving down the highway—you know number 144 has a special message for you.

Today, we’re going to talk about angel number 144 and the amazing meaning of this unique number.

There will be times in your life when you feel like you just need a little bit of advice or guidance from our angel team.

If you are going through challenges or you feel a big change is on the horizon, ask your angels to send you a message to guide you. Then pay attention to what starts appearing. 

Signs from the angels will start to pop up more frequently when the angels want to give you a little direction.

They will start to show you pictures of angels—REALLY!—and send other signs like feathers and coins to help guide you. You just need to learn to see them so you can understand what the symbols mean and how to apply them to your life. 

Let’s have a look at what it means when you start to see angel number 144 more frequently. 

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Breaking Down 144 Meaning In Numerology

To better understand angel number 144, we should look at the numbers one and four and their meanings.

The number one, as you likely know, is a number associated with beginnings. One is the first number in line. It is independent and whole within itself. One is the first step in a new direction. It is an a-ha moment or a great new idea. 

Number one is positive and filled with hope and optimism.

Four is a solid, stable, secure number. There is a certain feeling of peace represented by number four. 

Themes like justice and trust are also a part of the meaning of the number four. 

Because four is associated with a square, it is also the number representing organization and planning. Things are squared away with number four. 

When a number repeats in a sequence, it emphasizes the importance of that idea. So, while an individual four is peaceful, calm, and organized, 44 is zen, relaxed, and Marie Kondo’d from top to bottom!

Four is also a number closely associated with the angels, themselves.

If you start seeing numbers with repetitive fours (44, 444), you know the angels want to let you know they are there and share a message with you.

Another factor to consider when thinking about the meaning of angel number 144 is the number you get when you add the individual numbers in 144 together like this: 1 + 4 + 4 = 9. 

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Nine is a number associated with wishes granted, being close to the end of a cycle, and also divine completeness. Number nine considers the past and uses what it knows to create a new future.

When you look at all of those messages: one being a new beginning, four representing security and harmony, and the sum nine showing completion of sorts, a new set of meanings related to number 144 unfold.

Key Angel Number 144 Meanings

144 And Law Of Attraction

The angels always want what is best for you. They want you to know you can achieve almost anything you put your mind to.

Number 144 is a definite sign that you can manifest your desires—so don’t give up!

When you start seeing number 144 more frequently, make sure you switch over to the highest vibing thoughts possible.

Focus on the positive. Think about your perfect life and all of the things you wish for. Trust that you will see the fruits of your manifestation work very soon when you see 144 more often.

Don’t forget, too, to focus on gratitude as part of your manifestation practice.

The link to nine in the number 144, as described above, leans heavily toward being thankful for what you have in your life and all of your accomplishments.

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Gratitude is a magnetic force that helps you get MORE of what you are grateful for.

So, even if you are planning a whole new life or if you need to turn a corner, find the blessings and lessons in everything you’ve overcome or risen above.

Recognizing the transformations you’ve made will help you make better choices for your future endeavors.

Speaking of future endeavors,

Number 144 Is a Cue To Start Working On a Better Life For Yourself

Angel number 144 is an invitation for you to change your life for the better.

When you see angel number 144 more frequently, start examining your life and make sure you note what brings you frustration and what brings you joy. 

It’s likely when you start seeing angel number 144 more often, you are at a sort of crossroads and you need to decide which path to follow. 

Angel number 144 means you should choose your happiness, inner peace, and satisfaction over anything that makes you feel resentful and unfulfilled.


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