Grief, Wounds and Reiki – Part 3 of 5

Grief, this five-letter word I know all too well. One of the major themes of my lifetime is grief and abandonment. If you have read anything I shared before, my grief started at a very young age, when my parents separated and then about a year later, my dad passed. I was at the tender age of 5.

Grief and abandonment are a theme that goes through my family and ancestors as well. Very sad, traumatic childhoods….taken from their homes, wars, abandoned or losing parents or children at a very young age. With all the world is going through right now and, in the past, we have our individual grief, ancestral grief and grief as a world collective that we are often experiencing at the same time.

Grief isn’t only the loss of a friend, loved one or pet. It can come from a breakup of a relationship or parent or child taken away too soon. It can come from an injury that isn’t healing or a diagnosis you were hoping and praying wouldn’t come. It can be from the loss of a job, school year, or a huge unexpected change in circumstances or shift of direction. It can come from moving to a new home or a new job. It can come from something not working out the way you thought it would. Even if whatever is triggering a wound or grief is planned and you are excited about it, you can still experience an overwhelming amount of grief and it can catch you quite off guard.

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Grief has no bounds or barriers to who it reaches and can come from many sources. It can be felt as a collective and spread across our world. The 5 main stages of grief are denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. Depending on the sources, there may be other stages we experience as well. Shame is often something that comes up for those who experience grief, but it is not often talked about. For you who were guided to read this, I offer this gentle reminder, it is ok to feel what you are feeling right now, it is part of the experience of grief. You may move around the different stages of grief, stay in one stage much longer or even experience more than one simultaneously.

Trust is all something for us to learn on our journeys as that no matter what is happening right now, all will work out as it should. Trust can be very hard to feel when our worlds are being flipped upside-down. There is a bigger purpose to things than we can see in the moment. We haven’t been given all the pieces to the puzzle yet. If we did not know grief, we would not truly know love and joy. It is all a part of the human experience.

Grief, Wounds and Reiki - Part 3 of 5

Image by danigeza

There is much to learn from our wounds and grief and we all can use some extra support on our journeys along the way. Even those who are in the guiding, healing and helper roles, like those of us who are guided to Reiki or any other healing modality, are in need of support from time to time.

I have had to seek the help and guidance of others at different…

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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in All the rights of content are owned by We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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