The REAL Meanings & Associations Of Angel Number 123

When a number seems to pop up all over the place and won’t leave you alone, it’s most likely because you are meant to receive a message.

Pay attention to the numbers that stand out to you.

They will guide you on the path of your highest vibration.

If you want the direct route to your dreams, pay attention to angel numbers.

Speaking of angel numbers, angel number 123 is one to remember.

What is the real meaning of angel number 123? Angel number 123 asks you to refocus your energy. You’re spreading yourself too thin and delaying your progress. The way to progress on your path is to find your center, using your intuition as your guide. You must first be able to trust your Self (intuition) if you want to achieve your wildest dreams. 

There are a few different meanings and associations for angel number 123, including a meaning specifically for a twin flame.

Continue reading to learn all you need to know about angel number 123. 

4 Meanings Of Angel Number 123

Meaning of angel number 123

If you’ve been asking the universe for a sign recently, this is it.

Angel number 123 is essentially a universal slap of reality.

You are quite literally getting the sense knocked into you.

It’s time for you to get right with Self and letting go of what doesn’t serve your highest good. 

Continue reading for a more in-depth description of what it means to see angel number 123:

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1. Refocus and Simplify

When you see angel number 123 repeatedly, it is most likely because you are too outwardly focused.

Maybe you are someone that naturally loves to take care of others.

However, it is time for you to find that balance in your life.

It is time for you to refocus and simplify your life.

It is time for you to find time for yourself. 

Your ancestors urge you to take care of yourself.

Spend a few days caring for yourself. It will become clearer who matters most in your life.

When you spend too much time outwardly focused, it gets harder to draw the line of how much is too much. 

You are at that point. 

Simplify your life.

You will create happiness in the process. 

2. Believe in Yourself

123 is a message from your guardians that the information you are looking for resides within you.

You’ve known the answers all along, and it is time you started believing in them.

Everything you want in life is yours. If you have the ability to dream it up, you have the ability to create it. 

Trust in yourself enough to give more time to yourself.

It is okay to say no sometimes, and it’s perfectly fine to not give any more time to those that don’t give in return.

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In fact, you are encouraged to do so. 

Only then will you know how powerful you really are. 

3. Let Go of What Isn’t Serving You

Woman letting go

This is your sign to completely let go!

What I’m about to say might be the exact opposite of what you’ve always been taught, but hear me out:

We are to learn to love without constraint.

The things we love and feel we need in this life, we tend to grasp onto them as tightly as possible.

We are taught to take photos, create memories, keep every keepsake ever, be sentimental, etc.

You can be sentimental without grasping onto the material world. 

What is meant for you will be in your life regardless of whether or not you hold onto it.

In fact, the tighter we tend to squeeze onto something, the faster it leaves us.

This is especially true in regard to human relationships. 

Trust in the universe and yourself so much that you let go of absolutely everything in your life.

What will happen is everything that isn’t for you will find a way to exit your life.

Then, the things that remain will be aligned with your highest path.

It’s crucial to understand that just because something aligns with you now doesn’t mean it always will.

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Working to live without grasping will take continuous daily work, but when you begin to do it, you will understand just how beneficial it is to your overall existence. 

4. Remember How Supported You Are

You are also being called to remember all those that have supported you thus far.

Whether they make it into your future or not, you will always be supported in your life.

You are divinely created and rooted into Mother Earth. Even when you feel like you don’t have a single human you can count on in life, you will always be supported by the universe.

The universe knows just how powerful and unique you are. 

Don’t let the physical world make you forget that. 

What Does 123 Mean Spiritually?

Angel number 123 spirituality

Regardless of how you look at it, angel number 123 is asking you to slow all the way down and recenter your focus.

Your guides understand that giving is in your nature, and they certainly do not want you to stop giving!

They want you to channel that energy inward.

Give to yourself for a…

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