Aquarius Moon Compatibility – Mystic Compatibility

Aquarius Moon Sign Compatibility

Moon In Aquarius

Born when the moon is in Aquarius, you are probably the most emotionally detached zodiac sign among the twelve. Governed by ideas and words, you have a stubborn streak when you have a clear idea of things. You are more open to fact and concept, instead of sentiment and passion. In a relationship, you offer clear objective and reason, rather than emotional support. Similarly, emotional drama is foreign to you, and you will feel annoyance rather than sympathy. Hence you may be a good business partner to have.

Aquarius Moon, you are a kind and compassionate person, you are more comfortable with philosophy or ideas, rather than taking action. You thrive in a community setting, your observation skill allows you to connect with various types of people in a group. This ability helps you become a popular person in a party, or a brilliant networker. You also have a sense of justice, believing in equality and will sometimes fight for it.

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Aquarius moon in love may appear shy or detached, because you feel like an outsider at times. You may feel awkward because you instinctively sense that you do not belong emotionally with a group. The outsider feeling may be your unconscious fear of closeness or rejection, lack of intimacy keeps you safe from emotional contact and possibility of getting hurt. This might have an impact on your romantic relationship, which will involve emotions. You are a trustworthy person, but can be unreliable when it comes to details, as you tend to focus on bigger picture.

Moon Aquarius likes freedom in relationships, and you have a strong need to be an independent person. You can be prone to temper tantrums, mainly due to your detachment with emotions and unable to handle them when they overwhelm you. When it comes to decision making, you can be stubborn when you want your way. Your optimism, sense of humor and playfulness helps you attract friends, and makes them easier to forgive you.

Best traits: friendly, optimist, humorous

Worst traits: emotionally detached, stubborn

Aquarius Moon Sign Relationships

Aquarius Moon & Aries Moon

Aquarius moon, you can be great friends with Moon Aries, because you love new experiences and challenges. Both Moon Aquarius and Moon Aries like to socialize and find new opportunities, which means that it will be a good friendship, with fun times ahead.

Moon Aries wants to be the dominant one in a relationship. This might not sit well with you as you are also a dominant star sign. Both of you will become rebellious if the other is in charge, unless you compromise. Aries Moon will let tempers fly but does not hold grudges, while Moon Aquarius, you will rationalize your feelings. Otherwise, Moon Aries’ need for action will pair well with your love of change.

You can be compatible Moon Signs if you work well to resolve your issues. In a business relationship, you will be a powerhouse of ideas and plans. In a romantic partnership, your reluctance to take a step back might cause relationship to breakdown. Fortunately, when Aquarius and Aries moon signs both commit to this relationship, it will more likely to last.

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Aquarius Moon & Taurus Moon

Moon Aquarius, you and Moon Taurus have different needs and desires, your outlook in life is distinct and will contribute to the longevity of the relationship. As you are both fixed in your ways, there will be issues when you try to work out a compromise.

Aquarius, you like excitement and new things, but Taurus Moon is resistant to change and prefers routine. They want a home, family is last on your priority list in life. Aquarius, your need to be independent and free does not sit well with Moon Taurus, who wants to be part of things. Your habit of stirring the pot disrupts Taurus’ need for a tranquil home. A traditionalist versus progressive, you will have many discussions around how you do things.

Aquarius Taurus moon compatibility for marriage is not good because you are different Moon Signs and do not share the same focus in life. There are a lot of issues that require compromising. It might be a big challenge for both you and Moon Taurus to find a common ground and get along.

Aquarius Moon & Gemini Moon

Aquarius, you and Moon Gemini can be best friends or great partners in general. You both have the same insights that motivates your actions. There is little compromise between the two zodiac signs to achieve a strong pairing.

Moon Aquarius, you and Moon Gemini love to socialize, and not shy to embrace change. Moon Gemini needs mental stimulation, and Aquarius your unpredictability keeps them alert and happy. You both like to have a good laugh. Both you and Gemini Moon are more likely to discuss your emotions and analyze them, you are detached in the same way. There is little that you do not have in common.

Moon Aquarius and Moon Gemini are compatible soul mates, because you have the same outlook…

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