Are Twin Flames Real or Just Some New Age B.S.? | Aglow Lifestyle

The idea of twin flames has been creating a buzz in the spirituality community for quite some time now.

The general idea is that we each have a “twin flame” who is a perfect match for us, the one person in the universe who can make us complete.

Some of us have felt the pull to find our twin flame, while others are skeptical of this idea or don’t know what to make of it.

There is a lot of discussion about twin flames, but are they even real or just some new-age nonsense?

What is a twin flame?

A twin flame is used to define someone with who you have a deep soul connection – emotionally and physically.

They could be friends, lovers, or anyone you have connected with strongly and who shares a special bond.

Twin flames don’t always have to be romantically involved, although it is often the case.

It is common to feel the presence or connection of your twin flame when you first meet, almost as though you have known each other before.

This is because twin flames often reincarnate together across many lifetimes, so they are soul friends or family members you have known in the past.

Twin flames are there to help us grow, so when you have reached a certain point in your spiritual development, they will often appear in your life.

Are twin flames real?

Twin flames are real. However, you need to believe in the concept to see and be open to them.

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If you don’t, then your belief system won’t allow you to experience them, which is why many people never experience the connection.

If you are spiritual enough to believe in multiple lifetimes, soul mates, and eternal love, then you are likely to acknowledge and accept the existence of twin flames.

Everyone has a twin flame, but not everyone is aware of them.

How do I recognize my twin flame?

Recognizing your twin flame is important, so you can get to know them.

A twin flame is almost like the best friend or lover you have always wanted, who shares your interests and beliefs.

You can recognize a twin flame by: 

1. Instant connection

Have you ever met someone new for the first time and feel as though you have known them before?

Maybe this person was one of your twin flames!

When you meet your twin flame, there is an instant connection that you may feel with a strong sense of familiarity.

This is because you have known them before in a different lifetime.

Twin flames are often reincarnated together, so they have a strong connection that may seem different from other relationships.

The connection between twin flames is deep-rooted and is different from other relationships in your life.

2. Intense emotions

When you meet your twin flame, you feel intense emotions.

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These emotions may be good or bad, but they are likely to be strong feelings that you have never experienced before.

The first time you meet your twin flame, it’s common to experience emotions that are even stronger than with other people.

This is because your connection is so strong and powerful.

The intensity of the emotions may be a challenge because you will find it hard to control them, but the feelings will soon die down.

3. A matching energy

Your twin flame is like you in many ways, including their nature and personality type.

There is also a physical and emotional match, and the two of you may be similar or compatible in many ways.

You may also have complementary traits that balance each other out.

For example, you might be introverted while your twin is outgoing, or you might be passionate and your twin calm.

The stronger the energy match between you and your twin, the easier it will be for you to connect.

4. Deep connection

When you meet your twin flame, you feel a deep connection to them.

This connection is stronger than any other relationship you have experienced before because it is soul-to-soul.

You find it easy to connect and may be able to communicate without words because you can sense each other’s thoughts.

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You are emotionally close to one another and may feel a sense of intimacy that you don’t experience with other friends or partners.

This connection is so strong because you are on the same soul level, so you understand each other.

5. Desire to grow together

As twin flames, you and your partner are here to help each other grow and develop spiritually.

The two of you may feel like soul mates and often share a similar perspective on life.

The connection between you and your twin enables you to support each other in growing and developing in your spiritual journey.

You desire to see your twin happy, and you work together to inspire one another and bring out the best in each other.


Can twin flames just be friends?

Twin flames can just be friends. They don’t always have to be lovers or in a romantic relationship.

In fact, twin flames often go through periods of separation or friendship rather than being together in a romantic relationship.

This is because your connection is soul-to-soul, and you may need distance to grow and develop.

Are twin flames and soul mates the…

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