How Do I Become a Free Spirit? (Answered) | Aglow Lifestyle

The free spirit lifestyle is a path of spiritual and personal development. It is not an easy path as it requires great discipline, courage, and wisdom to stay on track – but the benefits are priceless.

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How do I become a free spirit?

Becoming a free spirit is something that everyone can achieve; you just need to know the steps to take. Follow the 9 steps below and become a free spirit in no time at all:

1. Live for the now

If you want to become a free spirit, you need to live now, not in the past or future.

This means that you shouldn’t worry about what has happened to you or be too fixated on what might happen in the future. You have to deal with today and deal with it as best you can.

If you are happy, enjoy your happiness; if you are sad, know that it will pass also.

By living in this way, free of past mistakes and future worries, you will find yourself becoming freer and freer – you will be able to act with greater spontaneity, act on your own impulses and not feel burdened by the past or future.

The past is gone; the future is yet to come. Only the present exists, so live for it now!

2. Think independently

The opinions of others do not guide free-spirit individuals. They tend to think independently and act on their own beliefs rather than listen to what others say or suggest.

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Society is filled with propaganda that encourages us to follow the crowd – look at all the adverts trying to sell you things that will ‘improve’ your self-esteem, which in essence means making you more like everyone else.

Free spirits know better than this; they acknowledge that every person is unique (just like every snowflake) and, as such, should embrace their uniqueness rather than try to conform.

If you want to become a free spirit, develop the ability to think for yourself and develop your own ideas on what motivates you and how you can do things better.

3. Get out of your comfort zone

The comfort zone is a dangerous place to be in. You get stuck, become complacent, and stop growing as a person – you might even start going backward!

Free spirits avoid the comfort zone like the plague; they want to expand their horizons, explore new ideas and meet new people. This means leaving behind what has been familiar and becoming comfortable with the unfamiliar instead.

As part of this process, free spirits will often take up challenges that seem scary at first but challenge them and ultimately help them grow into better human beings than before taking on these challenges.

By getting out of your comfort zone, you can also discover many hidden treasures about yourself: talents and abilities you did not know existed within you!

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4. Learn to let go

Free spirits know how to let go of things that no longer have value in their lives. People who are stuck in the past, for instance, tend to hang onto people and things from those times so much so that they cannot move on with their lives.

This is a bad thing as it means you will never enjoy life as it should be enjoyed – now!

Whether it be letting go of negativity, past mistakes, or people who no longer serve a purpose in your life, you have to know how to let go if you want to become a free spirit.

5. Be less materialistic

If you want to become a free spirit, you need to focus on what really matters in life. You cannot find peace within yourself if you are always looking for the next best thing to impress other people.

You can see this happening today – especially in countries like America, where everything is just about money and power. People work themselves into an early grave to gain more wealth; they spend their spare time partying or shopping or watching TV, thinking this will make them happier; but it doesn’t.

That’s because none of these things matter in the long run.

What matters is developing yourself spiritually, living life with purpose and meaning, letting go of stress when it comes to you.

Materialistic things are just that: material. They do not last; they break or get thrown out eventually. But what you experience in life, the memories you have, those are what really matter.

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If you can focus more on those things, you will become a free spirit without even trying.

6. Go with the flow

Being a free spirit means accepting the fact that life is not always in your control. You cannot predict what is going to happen from one moment to the next.

You have no choice but to go with the flow sometimes, whether it be accepting the mistakes you have made or understanding why things could not possibly go as well as you had hoped.

The key thing here is to not fight against the current so much – accept what has happened and figure out what you can do about it – any possible lessons!

7. Stop being a slave to society

Most people live their lives by doing exactly what society expects of them. They work hard to earn a living, get married, have kids, and then either retire or continue working for as long as they can until their bodies cannot take it…

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