Career Tips for Taurus, Virgo & Capricorn – Earth Signs

Earth signs are the practical and steady ones of the zodiac. You need to create stability and security in your life. You don’t show off your wealth, you just enjoy the creature comforts that it provides for you. You often take jobs that aren’t particularly exciting, but which have stood the test of time and have proved reliable.

Money comes to you easily for people born under the element of Earth, because you’re less picky about what you do to earn it than some of the other signs. You’re pretty dependable, and that makes you a valuable employee. You’re not flighty, you’re responsible and down to earth and not known for being a risk-taker. You like the finer things that life has to offer to you, and you’re not shy about working hard to get them.

Another reason that employers like you is that you are your logic. You’re usually not one to fly off the handle. When problems arise, you treat them with reason, working through them systematically to solve them. You’re goal-oriented, and your coworkers know that you’ll not let them down, but rather, you’ll persevere until the task is completed. You do sometimes forget to acknowledge others as you work towards the outcome. Just remember that you don’t have to be such a workaholic all the time!

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Taurus — Pure Determination

Are you a Taurus? You’ll probably be looking more for security than fulfillment. Don’t get me wrong — you still seek joy in what you do, but you’re pretty easy going and it’s not hard to please you as long as your job is reliable.

You’re ruled by Venus, the planet of harmony, so it will be easy for you to just settle into something stable. You’ve certainly got the resilience and the determination to make a lot of money. Once you’ve found a way to get what you’re looking for out of life, there’s no stopping you.

You’re a hard worker, you get along well with most people, and you rarely lose your temper. All of this makes you a valuable worker for the right employer. The one thing that you need to watch out for is that the same energy that brings you determination can also bring you some stubbornness, which isn’t necessarily a positive quality in the workplace.

You could continue to fight for a position or to try to prove your way is better long after the appropriate time has passed, and that can get irritating. Try to find the happy medium, so you know what battles are worth fighting and which ones are worthy of surrender. That way you can be sure to stay on your employer’s good side, and receive all the accolades and pay raises that will reward your dedication and loyalty.

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Ideal Careers for Taurus: The arts, working on the land, anything to do with finances.

Virgo — The Critic

As a Virgo, you’re probably the most analytical of the Earth signs. You’re naturally critical, and that makes you ideal for positions where exactness is desired. You’re intelligent and gifted and when you combine that with a need to contribute to society or your community, you’ll be very satisfied with your work.

Yours is the path of service, and when you follow that calling, the money will find its way to you. Mercury is your ruling planet, and Mercury is associated with communication, learning, and short-distance travel. You need to seek out positions that will turn into an asset what many people might initially see as a liability.

You’re so detail-oriented that in many positions this could be seen as overkill, as something that is just unnecessarily fussy. Find work where you need that focus on the minutiae. You’ll be glad you did, for few have your tenacity for such meticulous work, and you could earn very good money for being so finicky!

You’ll need to make sure that you don’t bite off more than you can chew, though. You’re so keen to please and have such a high work ethic, that it’s easy for unscrupulous employers and work colleagues to keep loading you up with jobs to do. You pride yourself in a task well done and you don’t like to let people down. It’s one thing to be conscientious, but quite another to let people use you. It’s okay to say no once in a while, as long as you do it kindly and with grace.

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Ideal Careers for Virgo: Customer service, teaching, public relations, or any other area where you’re providing assistance to others.

Capricorn — Traditional Values

Capricorns are probably the most pragmatic of all the Sun signs. You’re focused on material gain — sometimes to the point of being cold and materialistic. You know how to find, make, and keep money. If you’ve got any challenges when it comes to your income, it’s probably that you can be a bit mercenary and do something because it pays well, rather than because you feel called to do it.

Saturn is the ruling planet…

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