Which Zodiac Signs Will Be Unlucky In 2023 –

Unfortunately, after a rather difficult 2022, the Year of the Water Rabbit 2023, although considered a lucky year, will not be exceptionally good for everyone.

According to the Chinese zodiac, the signs most negatively impacted in 2023 are the enemies of the Rabbit, those zodiac signs least compatible with the Rabbit. These are the Rat, the Tiger, and the Rooster. People belonging to these zodiac signs will have to make extra efforts to achieve their goals, whether we are talking about money, personal development, or love. Throughout the year they will be envied, their integrity will be questioned and in addition, they have to be extra careful about their health.

However, we have to keep in mind that during life each of us will at some point encounter difficulties, but most of the time these can be overcome with perseverance and extra work.

Is 2023 a Good Year for Rats?

There’s hardly anyone around to help you. Money will be tight and you’ll have to sell an asset, perhaps land or property, to get back on your feet. Take the right steps because there’s a possibility of making things worse. Use the start of the year to reflect on the things that are holding you back.

What Will 2023 Bring for the Tiger?

You deeply love someone, and it is heartbreaking that things don’t work out the way you wanted them to. All the problems that arise in your life will stem from this. Imbalances in your personal life will affect your career, your health and your self-confidence. You may also suffer a major financial loss, some money you dreamed of may not be coming in, and this will mess up many of your plans.

Is Year of the Rabbit Good for Rooster?

People born in the Year of the Rooster will have a volatile financial climate in 2023. They will have to manage their finances carefully and prudently or they will suffer unexpected financial losses. To avoid losing both their colleagues and their savings, they should not work with unaccounted money. Also, they should not borrow money.

Feng Shui Remedies for Fighting off Misfortune in the Year of the Rabbit 2023

Although fortune will not be on the side of some zodiac signs all year round, there are a few lucky objects that, placed in the house, office, or carried in the wallet or pocket, can diminish bad luck.

Here are a few examples of Feng Shui objects the Rats, Roosters, and Tigers can use in 2023:

  • To reduce financial loss, it would be best to activate the money corner in the South-East area of the house or office. There, they can place objects such as the Prosperity Ship or the Golden Happy Buddha statue.
  • For getting rid of bad luck of any kind, the Stupa Kalachakra amulet is recommended. This amulet offers protection and eliminates misfortune and negative energies. Another such amulet is the Mystic Knot with 6 Chinese Coins and a Yellow String. In this talisman are included different symbols that offer protection and ward off bad luck in many domains. Thus, the knot removes bad luck in love, marriage, and health. Yellow is the color associated with money and material wealth. The same is true about the 6 Chinese coins.
  • Lucky plants, particularly bamboo, will attract peace and good vibes, plus the good news is that these can be found in almost any florist or home decor store.
  • The Eye of Horus protects against misfortune and accidents, and it is a source of power and fertility. It can be used as jewelry (necklace, bracelet, earrings) or simply as an amulet, and can be placed in the purse, in your car’s glove compartment, or it can be used as interior decoration.

If you have a favorite object that, so far, brought you luck or made you feel protected and surrounded by good energy, don’t hesitate to carry it in your purse or pocket.

On the other hand, according to the Chinese zodiac, the year 2023 will be extremely lucky for these zodiac signs in alliance with the Rabbit: Dog, Pig, Monkey, and Goat.

Overall 2023 will be a successful year for people who will stay out of trouble, will keep calm, and thoughtfully weigh every important decision they have to make.

The Rabbit promises a year of hope and evolution, which allows us to reconnect with spirituality and regain the self-confidence to move forward to a better future. Special surprises and gifts, which are yet to be discovered, await us in 2023.

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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in thechinesezodiac.org. All the rights of content are owned by thechinesezodiac.org. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.
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