Chakra Alignment, Chakra FAQ, What You Need to Know | Cosmic Cuts

The chakras are the energy centers that regulate the flow of life force energy in our bodies. Just like Feng Shui adjusts the flow of energy in a space, chakra alignment practices manage the flow of energy in the body. 

Why Do Chakras Become Blocked?

Our chakras open and close naturally many times throughout the day. Problems don’t always arise from a blocked chakra. Sometimes, it is due to an overactive chakra. 

When the energy isn’t flowing through a chakra in a balanced way, we start to have symptoms related to the mental, physical, and spiritual aspects that are managed by that chakra. 

An unbalanced chakra can be caused by many reasons, but some of the most common include:

  • Stress
  • Trauma
  • Unhealthy lifestyle habits
  • Lack of self care
  • Ignoring changes you know you should make

Align the Chakras

Why Is Chakra Alignment Important?

When you experience complete chakra alignment, everything in your life will improve. Generally speaking, however, we go through periods of our lives when we are working to balance certain chakras.

We may have a couple months where we feel on top of the world. During those times, it is clear that our chakras are functioning optimally.

At other times, however, we feel off kilter in certain areas of our lives or we may even feel like we hit rock bottom altogether. 

Life is a constant ebb and flow. We have cycles and we have ups and downs. 

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But, when we better understand our body’s chakra system, we can understand why things go awry and how to get back on track.

By working to align the chakras on a consistent basis, we can have less ebbs and more flows. 

Just as the body needs consistent exercise, our energy system need consistent chakra alignment to help us feel our best.

Chakra Alignment

What Are the Main Characteristics of Each Chakra?

There are 7 main chakras in the body. Let’s look at a quick synopsis of each one and then we’ll provide links to some of our articles where you can learn more about each one in more depth.

Root Chakra

The Root Chakra is the first chakra. It is located at the base of the spine and it matches the frequency of the color red. Its main functions are stability, vitality, and grounding.

Sacral Chakra

The Sacral Chakra is the second chakra. It is located 2-3 inches below the belly button and it is represented by the color orange. Its main functions are enjoyment, creativity, and emotional balance.

Solar Plexus Chakra

The Solar Plexus Chakra is the third chakra. It is located in the upper abdomen and its frequency matches that of the color yellow. Its main functions are transformation and personal power. 

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Heart Chakra

The Heart Chakra is the fourth chakra. It is located in the center of the chest and is represented by the colors green and pink. Its main functions are love, connection, and wholeness.

Throat Chakra

The Throat Chakra is the fifth chakra. It is located in the throat and is the color blue. Its main functions are expression, communication, and authenticity.

Third Eye Chakra

The Third Eye Chakra is the sixth chakra. It is located between the eye brows and matches the frequency of purple. Its main functions are intuition, wisdom, and awakening.

Crown Chakra

The Crown Chakra is the seventh chakra. It is located at the top of the head and is represented by the colors violet and white. Its main functions are unity, enlightenment, and spiritual connection. 

How to Use Crystals E-Book

What is the Difference Between Upper & Lower Chakras?

The upper chakras are the spiritual chakras. They are the throat, third eye, and crown chakras.

The lower chakras are the earthly chakras, including the root chakra, sacral chakra, and solar plexus chakra. 

The heart charka is the central energy point in the body that separates the upper and lower chakras. 

What Are the Best Chakra Alignment Techniques?

There are many ways to balance your chakras and achieve chakra alignment, and many of them differ depending on which chakra you are looking to balance.

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Here are some general chakra alignment techniques:

  • Chakra healing stones and crystals
  • Chakra meditation
  • Visualization
  • Nutrition and exercise
  • Yoga
  • Breathing exercises
  • Affirmations and mantras
  • Color therapy
  • Sound therapy
  • Nature

How Do Chakra Stones Work?

Chakra stones and crystals use frequency and color healing to help with chakra alignment. By using crystals that have a color that corresponds with the chakra you want to balance, you can bring your body into the vibration of that color/chakra.  

To learn more about how crystals work, click here.

How to Use a Chakra Stone Set to Bring More Balance Into Your Life – With a chakra stone set, you can achieve the health and wellbeing you desire. Read on to discover what these crystals can do for you, as well as different ways to use them.

Where Can I Purchase Chakra Stones?

For a quick and easy way to pick up some chakra healing stones, grab our Chakra Crystals Healing Bag. We’ve hand-selected 7 healing stones, each of which correlate with one of the main chakras in the body, and bundled them together for…

Click here to read this complete article.
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