Chakras For Beginners | Chakra Meaning Explained

I think you’ll agree with me when I say, that we all want to create a healthy and happy life for ourselves.

During my spiritual journey, I discovered that one of the major keys to a balanced life is understanding the importance of your energetic health.

Your body may seem solid to the touch, but all you really are is pure energy

Your physical body is made out of cells, which are composed of atoms. Atoms are fundamental pieces of matter, which are made out of energy.

Chakras are the body’s major energy centres. The flow of your energy is crucial to your positive well-being, and all seven chakras operate as key valves that regulate it.

As you embark on the journey of activating and awakening your seven chakras, you will be able to enter the higher realms of existence and bring more life force energy to the lower dimensions.

By unblocking the chakras throughout your body, you will be able to evolve spiritually, break down limitations of your mind, and expand your consciousness.

Are you ready to discover the hidden forces of energy within you? 

Let’s go!

Seven Chakras Chart For Beginners - Chakra Meaning

What is Chakra?

Chakra is a Sanskrit word literally meaning wheel or circle, and it originates from the ancient Indian yoga system and the philosophy of Tantra.

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Chakras can be best described as the vortexes of energy located vertically along the spine, and they correspond to the spinal plexuses in the physical body.

In your physical body, there are seven major chakras.

Each chakra appears like a wheel of light that spins in a clockwise direction at a different speed.

What is the spiritual importance of chakras?

All of your seven chakras shape your entire spiritual anatomy.

Chakras are important elements on your spiritual path, and understanding them will allow you to integrate your mind, body, and spirit in a better way.

Chakras can be viewed as the seven doors to higher consciousness that will allow you to ascend and better understand your full potential.

Imagine your body as a vehicle of consciousness

The chakras can be viewed as the wheels of life that can move your vehicle in the direction of enlightenment.

Chakras are also known as lotuses, and each chakra symbol is portrayed with a different number of petals, which are the expression of their vibratory frequency:

  • Root Chakra has 4 petals
  • Sacral Chakra has 6 petals
  • Solar Plexus Chakra has 10 petals
  • Heart Chakra has 12 petals
  • Throat Chakra has 16 petals
  • Third Eye Chakra has 2 petals
  • Crown Chakra has 1,000 petals

Lotus is a sacred Indian flower, which can only grow in the mud and whose petals open one by one.

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Our chakras behave just like petals of lotus flowers: they can be opened or closed depending on the state of consciousness. 

What Are The 7 Chakras In Our Body?

    • Chakra 1 – Root Chakra | Muladhara – Located at the base of the spine. It is associated with energy, survival, stability, comfort and safety. Its element is earth.

    • Chakra 2 – Sacral Chakra | Svadhishthana – Located in the lower abdomen. It is associated with sensuality, sexuality, pleasure, sociability and emotions. Its element is water.

    • Chakra 3 – Solar Plexus Chakra | Manipura – Located in the navel area. It is associated with strength, personality, power, determination and self-esteem. Its element is fire.

    • Chakra 4 –  Heart Chakra | Anahata – Located in the middle of the chest, over the sternum. It is associated with love, acceptance, compassion and sincerity. Its element is air.

    • Chakra 5 – Throat Chakra | Vishuddha – Located in the throat area. It is associated with communication, expression, creativity and inspiration. Its element is ether / sound.

    • Chakra 6 – Third Eye Chakra | Ajna – Located in the middle of the forehead. It is associated with intuition, lucidity, meditation and trust. Its element is light.

    • Chakra 7 – Crown Chakra | Sahasrara Located at the top of the head. It is associated with knowledge, consciousness, fulfilment and spirituality. Its element is thought.

Do you want to know the best part?

The colors of the 7 chakras correspond to the seven colors of the rainbow, and they are called the spectrum of white light.

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Colors of the rainbow always appear in a specific order (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet) when the water droplets disperse sunlight.  



1. Root Chakra | Muladhara

Root Chakra Muladhara Symbol Meaning

Root Chakra (Muladhara) is the 1st chakra in your body located at the base of the spine. It provides the foundation on which we build a life, and it represents safety, stability, comfort, and security. 

Root Chakra is the foundation of our entire system on which the other chakras sit, and it is the place where the Kundalini (the life force) sleeps, waiting to be liberated and give you the power to go into the material…

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