The 4 Stage Vibrational Alignment Technique That Will Change Your Life

For you to be able to manifest a desire you need to be in alignment with that desire. 

You can only have what you are in vibrational alignment with.

In this article, I will share you the 4 stage vibrational alignment technique that if used properly will change your life, for the better.

You ready? Let’s go!

So firstly let clarify what does vibrational alignment means.

What Does Vibrational Alignment Mean?

Vibrational alignment means your being is in alignment with what you want and also who you truly are.

Our true natural state is one of alignment. One of allowing. It’s a state of nonresistance. It’s where we can naturally allow our desires to manifest in our lives with ease.

For example. If you wanted to experience more wealth and abundance in your life, you would need to feel wealth and abundance first.

When you feel wealth and abundance already, then it’s only natural through the laws of the universe that matching circumstances will manifest into your life.

If you wanted to attract love into your life you would need to get into alignment with that feeling.

Essentially you would need to feel love for yourself first and then through being in alignment with the feeling of love you would attract love into your life.

If your state of being is love and you freely give love then naturally you will allow love to flow effortlessly into your life.

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So now you know what it means to be in vibrational alignment with what you want. What does it feel like?

What Does Vibrational Alignment Feel Like?

how the you feel when doing the vibrational alignment technique

When you are in vibrational alignment you will naturally feel good as it’s our truest and purest state of being.

When we are vibrating as our highest self we will feel joyous and happy.

I’m sure you can remember doing something that just made you feel really good inside.

Walking barefoot on the beach. Playing tennis with a friend. Dancing to music. It could be anything you love doing.

When you’re doing something and it’s bringing you joy then you are in vibrational alignment.

Your goal then is to do more of the things that bring you feelings of joy and happiness.

…things that are in alignment with your natural state of being … happiness and joy.

The 4 Stage Vibrational Alignment Technique

Below are 4 stages to getting into alignment with who you are at your purest inner state of being.

When you are in alignmemt you will then effortlessly draw into your experience what you want into your life.

Whether you want more wealth, a loving relationship, a healthier body, anything. You need to get into the vibrational feeling of that desire.

See also  How To Become A Vibrational Match To Your Desire

Doing the 4 stages of the vibrational alignment technique as outlined below, has helped me manifest many wonderful things into my life.

From traveling to many exotic destinations around the world. Having the freedom to work for myself doing what I love. Having a more healthy body. Having more energy and a much more loving relationship with my partner, family, and friends.

You will be able to have what you want in your life if you follow the same 4 stages.

Let’s dive in.

Stage 1: Meditation

Vibration alignment technique step 1 - Meditation

This is a weird old thing to do when you haven’t done it before but I can say with my hand on my heart. This one of the foundations to my own personal happiness and success.

There’s not a day that goes by that I don’t start with morning meditation.

Naturally, my mind is thinking of a million things at once without any focus or clarity.

After meditation, my mind is calm, clear and able to focus. My thoughts are much more in line with who I want to be.

…someone who is more thoughtful, calm and present.

If you don’t have a calm clear mind you will not be able to get into to alignment with your desire as you won’t be able to guide your thoughts in the direction of what you want.

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Your thoughts and attention will be all over the place, being pulled from one thing to the next.

Starting a simple meditation practice each morning will still your mind and bring peace to your inner being.

Meditation feels strange at first and most people usually try too hard in the beginning.

With daily practice, meditation is relaxing and enjoyable and requires no effort.

Start each morning with 5-10 mins to get into the habit of doing it. Then work your way up to 20-30 mins each morning.

Here’s a meditation that’s perfect for beginners.

Morning meditation will move you towards vibrational alignment with your core essence.

Once you do this it’s time for the next stage.

Stage 2: Think about doing more of what you love

Thinking about doing what you love.

Too much of the time, we are focused on lots of things that don’t bring happiness.

We usually focus on the things we worry about. Or the things we anticipate happening in the future.

Never really thinking about the things…

Click here to read this complete article.

Disclaimer : This article is originally published in All the rights of content are owned by We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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