Clairgustance (Psychic Taste): 5 Signs You Have This Ability

Do you have a very good sense of taste?

Perhaps you will have strong emotional associations with taste.

Maybe you will remember tastes from your dreams, or when meditating you might get a certain taste in your mouth. 

If so, you might have clairgustance.

This is a psychic ability that means your sense of taste has spiritual abilities.

You probably know that there are quite a number of ‘clairs’ out there, and these are different psychic abilities that can be used to gain spiritual knowledge and understanding. 

Certain clairs, such as clairvoyance or clairempathy, are discussed a lot.

However, there are some lesser-known clairs that you may have!

One of these is clairgustance. 

So, what is clairgustance, and what are the clairgustance signs that suggest you have the gift?

What Does Clairgustance Mean?

Clairgustance literally means ‘clear tasting’. However, it is a bit more than just having a strong sense of taste.

This physic ability refers to having the ability to taste things when there is nothing in your mouth. 

People with clairgustance will typically have a strong emotional connection with food.

They will be able to taste certain things when thinking of a person or a place. 

Sometimes, they will receive random tastes in their mouth, and this is them getting messages from spirits via their sense of taste!

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What Are The Signs You Have Clairgustance?

This is a really interesting psychic ability, and is actually a lot more common than you might think!

Because it is not discussed often, a lot of people with clairgustance will not realize that they have it. 

So, let’s look at common clairgustance signs that you might be experiencing.  

You Sometimes Experience Taste Randomly in Your Mouth

One of the key clairgustance signs is the phenomenon of tasting something in your mouth when you are not eating.

This will come to you randomly, and they might bring a memory or emotion with them. 

The thing you are tasting doesn’t always have to be a food taste, either!

It may be a taste of anything in the world, such as rust or plastic. 

Clairgustance can be pretty weird at first, especially when you haven’t identified it as a psychic ability.

However, once you acknowledge your gift, you are able to work with it. 

You Have A Strong Emotional Connection With Taste

Woman experiencing clairgustance signs

Food and taste have the ability to fill us with a whole load of emotions, but people with clairgustance have an even deeper connection with taste. 

Perhaps your grandmother used to bake amazing chocolate brownies.

You might have fond childhood memories of visiting her house, sitting around the table to eat the freshly baked chocolate brownies. 

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Now, if you have clairgustance, when you eat chocolate brownies, you may get a huge wave of emotion and nostalgia.

When eating the chocolate brownies, you may feel connected with your grandmother! 

Spirits Communicate With You Via Taste 

On this list of clairgustance signs, this phenomenon is probably the most difficult to identify.

Perhaps you find yourself experiencing tastes in your mouth randomly, but you might not know that these come from spirits. 

However, in order to develop and understand your clairgustance abilities, it is important to identify why you might be experiencing certain tastes. 

If you are experiencing senses of taste when meditating or in a spiritual state, this is most likely your spirit guides or deceased spirits trying to communicate with you. 

You Can Taste What Other People Are Eating 

Have you ever been watching the TV where someone is eating a pizza, and you can suddenly taste the pizza in your mouth?

Or, perhaps you are on the phone with your friend, and they are eating sweets, and you can also taste the sweets they are eating!

This is a sure sign of clairgustance as it involves feeling the energy of food and connecting with it. 

You Have a Strong Sense of Smell 

The last point on this list of clairgustance signs actually involves a different sense.

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The sense of smell is heavily linked to the sense of taste, and therefore people with clairgustance will typically have a really strong sense of smell. 

The psychic ability of clairgustance will often go hand in hand with the psychic ability of clairscent, which is the ability to gain messages and information through the sense of smell. 

If you have a strong sense of smell alongside taste, you may have psychic abilities involved with these senses.

Can Clairgustance Be Developed?

It is a common misconception that psychic abilities are fixed and cannot be developed or trained.

Yes, we usually refer to them as gifts, but we actually all have the potential within us to have these gifts. 

Clairgustance and other psychic abilities do come naturally to certain people, and…

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