What Is Clairempathy? + 7 Signs You Have This Great Ability

If you are new to the world of psychic abilities, you will hear a lot of ‘clair’ talk.

There are quite a few different clairs, and they all refer to having a psychic power that allows you to connect with the spiritual realm and other souls. 

In this article, we will be discussing what clairempathy is.

Do you feel in tune with the souls of others? Do you experience other people’s emotions as if they are your own? 

These are signs of clairempathy.

In this article, I will explain the different clairempathy traits and what it might mean for you to relate to the psychic power. 

What Is Clairempathy?

So, what is clairempathy? The word literally means ‘clear feeling’. However, this doesn’t explain all we want to know about the psychic power. 

It is a deep understanding of the emotions of other souls.

Now, this doesn’t just mean people, but animals and nature too.

This psychic power means that you are much more in tune with the energies around you, and the energies that people and other spirits give off. 

You are probably wondering what the difference is between empathy and clairempathy.

Well, we all have certain levels of empathy. However, clairempathy refers to a power, that senses other people’s emotions and energies. 

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The ability seems to transcend our face value experiences.

It does not use the five senses we normally experience the world with, but something unexplainable.

People with clairempathy tend to simply know things and have no explainable reason for it.

They will also feel the emotions of others, instead of just acknowledging them. 

What Are Traits And Signs Of Having Clairempathy?

Clairempathy signs in a woman

Do you relate to the general definition of what clairempathy is?

Let’s dive a little deeper into this psychic power and look at different clairempathy traits and how they manifest themselves.

You Experience The Emotions and Feelings of Others

A really important sign of clairempathy is the ability to experience and feel the emotions of others. 

For a lot of people, if their friend is sad, we can console them and understand why they are feeling that way.

However, it is a little different for someone with clairempathy. They will actually feel the sadness of their friend. 

This is because people with clairempathy are much more in tune with the vibrations and energy of those that they are surrounded with.

They are extremely sensitive to the emotions of others and will take the emotions of the people around them on as their own. 

This can be pretty overwhelming for people with clairempathy.

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Sometimes, they will feel the emotions of others, even if the person is not outwardly showing how they are feeling.

Because of this, people with clairempathy have a better ability to know a person’s true intentions. 

The Emotions of Others Can Be Overwhelming

A lot of people with clairempathy find that the emotions of others can be very overwhelming to them, causing anxiety and distress. 

If you have clairempathy and have grown up not understanding your psychic power, you may have felt a little embarrassed about the intensity of your feelings.

You may have told yourself that you are too emotional, or too sensitive. 

However, the ability to feel the emotions and energy of those around you would be overwhelming to anyone!

It can be really exhausting to be constantly in tune with other people’s emotions, so it is super important for those with clairempathy to practice self-care and know that it is okay to remove themselves from a situation that is overwhelming them. 

You Frequently Have a Strong Desire for Isolation

Showing one of the Clairempathy traits

Because of how intense the gift of clairempathy can be, a lot of people with this psychic power will frequently have a strong desire to be alone. 

Taking time out from social obligations is a really important self-care method for those with this ability.

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Taking on the emotions of others can drain you of your own personal energy, and you need to take time to get your energy back. 

Sometimes, those with clairempathy will just have the urge to be alone for no apparent reason.

They might not have spent too long around a lot of people, but they still are feeling drained. 

This is because having clairempathy means that you are in tune with all the energies that surround you.

You can even experience emotions from people on the TV when watching the news!

You Have a Deep Connection With Nature

If you have the gift of clairempathy, you will typically feel most at home when surrounded by plants or animals.

This is because of the connection you have with the spirits of the universe, and all-natural things have some sort of spirit. 

You may feel that your energy is getting stronger around nature, especially if you have been surrounded by emotional people recently.


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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in SubconsciousServant.com. All the rights of content are owned by SubconsciousServant.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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