Crown Chakra Stones: 10 Crystals for Unity, Enlightenment & Spiritual

INSIDE: The crown chakra is the energy center that governs how well we connect on a spiritual level. Balancing it with crown chakra stones helps us to embrace oneness and reach for enlightenment.

The crown chakra is the seventh energy center in the body. It is located at the top of or slightly above the head, like a crown.

It manages our connection to higher consciousness and universal awareness, as well as our sense of oneness and spiritual presence.

The crown chakra is where our life force enters the body. It supplies this energy to the body, mind, and spirit by sending it down the chakra system

At the same time, earth energy enters our bodies through the root chakra at the base of the spine. As such, the crown and root chakras are inherently connected since they represent the extremes of the chakra system.

Balancing these extremes is one of life’s biggest adventures, and when accomplished, you’ll feel both grounded to the earth and spiritually connected to source at the same time.

Color – White, Violet, Clear, Gold

Element – Thought, Light, Cosmic Energy

Main Functions – Spiritual Connection, Enlightenment, Universal Identity & Awareness, Unity, Wisdom, Consciousness

Areas of the Body – Pituitary Gland, Pineal Gland, Hypothalamus, Brain, Nervous System, Muscles, Skin

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What You Need to Know About the Crown Chakra

The crown chakra plays the largest role in our spiritual connection. It provides us with universal awareness and enlightened wisdom so that we can raise our consciousness and our vibration.

It helps us to understand that everything is connected and that there is an irrefutable union between us and everything in this universe since it is all composed of the same thing: consciousness/energy. 

This is the chakra that provides us with true clarity about what is actually real and important in life. It gives us the realization that we are spiritual beings having an earth experience, as well as the quiet self-confidence that comes from that awareness.

It is through the crown chakra that we experience the zero point field and a
unity with the collective consciousness. It is where the ego integrates with the soul, where time and timelessness merge, and where death and eternal life become one.

Crown Chakra Stones for Spiritual Awareness

What a Balanced Crown Chakra Looks Like

When your crown chakra is in balance, you’ll feel one with everything. You’ll see yourself in others, therefore you’ll feel a stronger drive toward humanitarianism, selflessness, and non-judgement.

You’ll feel driven to seek meaning in everything and to have a deep connection to the infinite Divine. Spirituality will move to the forefront in your life as you learn to transcend materialism and focus on connecting with the universe.

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As a result, your spiritual insight will increase and you’ll find it easier to receive messages from your higher self and your guides. 

When the crown chakra is optimized, you’ll experience true joy, peace, and faith. You’ll be able to be present in the moment and your life will no longer be led by fear.

You’ll know how to integrate your physical life and with your spiritual life. You’ll be able to let go of the old to allow rebirth. And you will experience love for everyone and everything.

Chakra Healing Stones

What an Unbalanced Crown Chakra Looks Like

When your crown chakra is out of balance, you will most likely feel disconnected from your higher self and you’ll feel like you’re unable to reconnect. 

You may have no interest in developing your spirituality and actually feel cynical about the spiritual aspects of life. On the other side, you might be obsessed with spirituality.

Your ego will be in charge, causing you to be narrow-minded, unable to connect with others on deep levels, and to play the victim instead of taking responsibility for your part in your issues. 

It’s common to feel a lack of empathy, judge other people, and feel superior to others. Your happiness will feel as though it is dependent on external conditions; therefore, you’ll have an attachment to earthly possessions and experiences.

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An unbalanced crown chakra can cause you to experience loneliness and isolation. Your motivation will probably be low and you’ll lack direction in your life.

When the crown chakra is overcharged, you might feel disconnected from the body since you won’t be grounded to the earth, leading you to feel spacey and “in the clouds.”

Symptoms of a Blocked Crown Chakra

As you can see, when the crown chakra isn’t functioning properly, our lives lack the richness and meaning that we would otherwise have. Here’s a concise list of what might occur so that can tell when your crown chakra needs rebalancing…

Physical Symptoms

  • Depression
  • Brain fog
  • Insomnia
  • Neurological disorders
  • Nerve pain
  • Thyroid issues
  • Headaches
  • Migraines
  • Alzheimer’s disease
  • Schizophrenia
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Sensitivity to light
  • Skin rashes
  • Acne
  • Eczema

Mental & Emotional Symptoms

  • Greed
  • Materialism
  • Boredom
  • Frustration
  • Entitlement
  • Mental illness
  • Selfishness
  • Stuck in polarity…

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