Taking Responsibility For Your Actions : How You Can Do It?

How To Take Responsibility For Your Actions?

When we enter the world, a blank canvas is born. Deep inside, surprise elements have been provided to paint your best self. Your humanity is a purposefully unique and intricate formula designed for understanding, reacting, and evolving.

In laymen’s terms:

To understand, react, and evolve is to take responsibility for your actions.

When this formula is respected, the door to happiness can be yours.

“Responsibility to yourself means refusing to let others do your thinking, talking, and naming for you; it means learning to respect and use your own brains and instincts; hence, grappling with hard work” – Adrienne Rich

The Basic Beginning of Taking Responsibility

The reference of entering the world in infancy is a critical analogy to appreciate when trying to improve ourselves, regardless of actual age. Stages of taking steps toward responsibility for growth begin in the infancy of experience.

For example, parents try to teach responsibility to children by offering unconditional love when the child makes a mistake. By approaching the child with calmness, the adult shows the child a version of parental responsibility. This approach helps to build trust. It encourages the child to feel safer in accepting his part in the mistake made. Had the parent shamed the child for making a mistake, the child might have experienced rejection and chosen not to take responsibility for the mistake.

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As children, building trust through unconditional love regardless of circumstance is the key component to life because this is how we successfully take our own accountabilities into adulthood.

Adults Take Responsibility For Their Actions

Simpler days of youth may be gone; but, life continues, and so must we.

Has there ever been a time that taking responsibility for your life just didn’t seem worth it? Have you ever experienced taking responsibility to be rewarding? As an adult, young or old, has accepting responsibility made things harder or easier? These are essential questions to ask yourself. This may be the one thing you can do to to make life better.

The Blame Game

If low self-esteem plagues you, try to accept that you are still a very valuable person. Low self-esteem can be looked at in a variety of ways. One such impact is that it is a learned behavior – meaning, your true nature felt to be in purer form before certain negative behaviors or signals were taught to you to take on as your own. As a child, there was little you could do about this misfortune.

It is easy to blame someone or something else for circumstances that were out of our control as young children. As adults, the blame game can grow into a very debilitating crutch that removes you from living your best life.

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The blame game can grow into a very debilitating crutch that removes you from living your best life.

Accepting responsibility for everything in your life is your power. Even if you didn’t cause a problem to happen, take responsibility for it anyway as if you had been in control. Accept the power of awareness and realization of how problems occur and how they can be remedied in your life.

In this way, low self-esteem is given a chance to become educated and eradicated by taking your power back from anything that happens. You don’t have to feel like or become a victim ever again.

Benefits of Taking Responsibility

Now that you are an adult desiring to evolve into a stronger person …

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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in SelfDevelopmentSecrets.com. All the rights of content are owned by SelfDevelopmentSecrets.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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