10 Crystals To Balance & Cleanse Your Third Eye Chakra

The Third Eye Chakra also called the Brow Chakra or Ajna Chakra in Sanskrit is the Chakra that governs our thinking, intuition, and sixth senses.

“Ajna” means “command”, and the element that this Chakra works on is light because is a very high-vibrational chakra.

In Buddhism, the color associated with this Chakra is indigo, the color of knowledge and wisdom.

The Ajna Chakra turns light into mental energy, which is turned into ideas, and all the processes related to thinking.

This Chakra is responsible for all of our cognitive processes, from logical thinking to creativity, including for the way in which we perceive the world around us.

The organs that this chakra encompasses are the brain, the head and skull, eyes, and ears – basically, all the organs involved in receiving and giving meaning to information.

The Brow Chakra is the center of our ideas, and its health and well-functioning are very important for us to be able to perceive the world in an accurate, healthy manner and to make the right decisions.

As the Third Eye Chakra processes a lot of energy from the world around us, it can easily be impaired or blocked under certain circumstances.

The Third Eye Chakra can be impaired or blocked when the person is dealing with stress, conflicting situations, chronic tiredness, or negative and toxic people.

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When this chakra is blocked, a lot of damage can be done to the person.

The ability to think logically is impaired, the creativity is blocked, the person doesn’t trust their intuition and they make all the bad decisions.

Other symptoms of a blocked Third Eye Chakra are problems of the eyes, brain, and ears, or depression.

From a spiritual point of view, any problem of the eyes or ears signifies the inability to perceive the world in a correct manner – refuse to see or hear what one must see or hear.

The main spiritual cause of depression is incorrect thinking, which leads to the person’s inability to see the good or the purpose of the challenges they may encounter, and leads to learned helplessness – the idea that life, the universe or God is punishing them which then leads to depression.

As you can see, the consequences of a blocked Third Eye Chakra are quite serious, therefore, it is very important to maintain this Chakra in balance.

There are many ways to keep the Brow Chakra healthy and well-functioning, but in this article, I am going to focus on what crystals you can use in order to clean and balance this vital Chakra.

When using crystals to help balance the Third Eye Chakra, it is always very important to remember to clean and charge the crystals properly before using them.

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This might be even more important than the type of crystal you use because crystal has a very high energetic potential.

This means that they can absorb large quantities of energy, which then needs to be cleaned off them when a certain threshold has been reached.

The best ways to energetically cleanse crystals are by dipping them in water with pure, unprocessed salt, in holy water, or cleansing them using Reiki or any other form of Energy Therapy.

Keeping this in mind, have a look at the best crystals to use for balancing and cleansing your Third Eye Chakra:

10 Crystals To Balance And Cleanse Your Third Eye Chakra:

1. Clear Quartz

Picture of clear quartz

The clear quartz is known for its cleansing properties, as it is used in general to cleanse places, people, or other crystals.

This is an all-purpose stone and is very useful to have it around.

If you plan on using it to cleanse your Third Eye Chakra, I suggest cleansing the crystal beforehand and using it in a cleansing meditation.

Lie on your bed, dim the lights in your room, play some meditation music, place the crystal on your forehead and envision the light coming from it, into your Ajna Chakra, purifying it and cleansing it.

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Your mind will be refreshed and cleansed afterward.

2. Amethyst

Piece of Amethyst on a table

Amethyst is the stone that represents Spirituality, our Divine nature, and our connection to the Universe.

This stone is perfect for rebalancing a refocusing the Ajna Chakra whenever you are stressed and or overwhelmed by external events.

The Amethyst will help you relax and see things from a different perspective, and it will help you channel your mental energy in the right direction.

The Amethyst is a great stone to use in meditation, as it will enhance your mental and psychic abilities, it will stimulate your intuition and it will help you maintain a clear mind.

3. Lapis Lazuli

Lapis Lazuli for balancing the crown chakra

This is the stone of Enlightenment and Illumination, known for the beneficial effect it can have over your mind.

The Lapis Lazuli also stimulates communication, which makes it great for improving communication.

The golden specks on it remind us of the stars that shine on the night sky, symbolizing…

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