Dead Loved Ones in Silent in Dreams: What Does it Mean?

The impact of losing a loved one is huge. Sometimes, it becomes too much of a burden to bear.

However, the power of our minds can cast imaginations and visions of the deceased loved one.

In those visions, we will find ourselves playing with the dead one, talking and chit chatting with him/her, and doing other interesting things together with the deceased.

This is to help our minds to heal up and never feel lonely

Also, the spirits of our lost loved ones can come to us in dreams.

When they do, they will communicate with us, smile at us, or hug us so tightly. 

However, something strange can happen, and this is what we want to discuss.

Have you ever dreamt of seeing dead loved ones silent? Rather than talk and play with you, they are suddenly silent and almost motionless. If this has ever happened to you, then, this is a spiritual dream you should not take for granted. 

The fact that they are not saying anything does not mean you should discard that dream. That is more reason to pay more attention to the dream than ever before.

There are different ways to understand what the universe is trying to say through this dream.

Read on to find out. 

Is it Normal to Dream about Dead Loved Ones in Silent?

Dead Loved Ones in Silent in a dream

It is not normal to see your dead loved ones silent in a dream. In reality, this dream is not a common vision. Out of 1,000 people, it might only happen to 2 or 3 people. This means that having this dream is not a normal occurrence. 

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When people die, it is believed that they remain who they were on earth.

Also, they recognize people’s faces, and names, and can relate to them.

An example of this is the biblical story of Abraham and Lazarus, the beggar. Even after they died, Abraham still recognized Lazarus.

And in that vision, they spoke to one another

Dreaming of dead people should normally come with utterances. However, if you have a rare dream that comes with silence, then, pay close attention to it.

There is a spiritual reason behind having such an experience.

The dead loved ones we see in our dreams should relate with us in a friendly, conversational, and lively manner.

When this does not happen, then, there is a reason we need to know. 

Does the Deceased want to Convey a Message to Me?

Message from dead ones

Yes, this is an act to convey a message to you.

When you see a deceased person silent in your dream, it is not due to an unwillingness to communicate.

The message they want to communicate might require a bit of silence to show how serious and important it is.

While conducting my research on the spirituality of this dream, something caught my attention.

2 out of the 8 people we spoke to attested to the fact that they had a second dream where the deceased spoke eventually.

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This is why you should not discard the first appearance as inconsequential.

Rather than that, ask questions about the reason for such a dream occurrence

In most cases, silence is a bid to communicate spiritual truth to you. When you pay enough attention, you will understand the relevance of this.

Even when it does not seem clear in the first place, expect a second appearance

Meaning of Dead Loved Ones in Silent in a Dream

Someone in silence

When the dead loved ones are silent in a dream, it brings a warning sign from the universe. This sign is telling you to retrace your steps.

In that dream, the dead ones will look unhappy. A sign like this is a visible expression of the consequence of the step you are about to take.

Also, the dead loved ones are silent in your dream as a message of a lack of spiritual sensitivity.

This dream depicts that your spiritual senses are not functioning as they ought to.

In some instances, you will see the mouth of the deceased moving but not hear a word.

All of these point to the fact that your spiritual senses are not heightened enough to understand why the dead are in your dream.

The best way to avert all the negative consequences that this dream brings is to adhere to the instruction from the spiritual world.

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Heighten your spiritual senses and get clarity from the universe about the step you are about to take. 

9 Spiritual Meanings of a Dead Person not Talking to You in a Dream

Spiritual Meaning of a Dead Person not Talking to You in a Dream

When a dead person is not talking to you in a dream, this is a spiritual omen you should ignore. To understand what the universe is saying through this dream, there are 9 messages you should pay attention to.

1) You find it hard to adapt to change

Spiritually, whenever you dream of a dead person not talking to you, it indicates your unwillingness to adapt to change.

This is an omen you should pay attention to.

In the spiritual world, when dead people refuse to speak, it is because the dreamer or the one to whom they appear has decided to not adapt to change

2) You are not alone

The presence of the deceased in your dream is telling you to never feel lonely.

This is a divine message from the…

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