Being Chased by a Snake in a Dream: 9 Spiritual Meanings

There is hissing and a scaly creature behind you. Your heart is beating faster. It’s hard to escape. You’re about to be caught by the snake.

This is the first time you’ve had this dream or this is the third time you’ve had this dream!

Doesn’t it all sound horrible?

And there, you may want to know its answer. 

You woke up terrified, disturbed, or deeply uncomfortable. Time for you to move ahead and investigate.

What does it mean to be chased by a snake in a dream, and what is it trying to tell you? 

Well, you’ve come to the right place to explore the significance of such a dream. Let us determine the meaning together of having such an experience.

Let’s slither into our curiosity.

Snakes have represented a threat throughout history, where their physical danger granted them the symbol of metaphorical threat and harm too.

Just think of the way Satan takes the form a snake to lead the first humans astray.

These majestic intelligent and clever creatures then become the perfect vessel for the universe to send messages. They hold power in being alert and knowing when to attack or defend

Their threat is in their power. 

Is Being Chased by a Snake in Dreams Normal?

Big red snake

It is quite common for people to dream of being chased by a snake. Surprisingly, a third of the population possesses this fear. It is natural to assume the impact of the snake is far larger than its literal presence and the subconscious recognizes this too.

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If you know yourself well enough, it will be easier to understand why the snake is coming into your dream to chase you.

However, if you are still confused, then some introspection needs to take place!

You can be sneaky with the meaning or confront it like a true cold-blooded creature.

What does it mean to Dream about Snakes Chasing You?

Snakes chasing you in dreams

Let us dissect the message coming across, where the snake is after you. You are the one being pursued or trying to survive.

This is an inaccurate power balance considering humans in current time have learned to tame and avoid danger when it comes to snakes, now even having antidotes for its poison.

So what is this chase for survival about if not its literal dynamic?

This is an exchange of an energy of fear. That is your foundation.

Fear is your key.

The snake is only a vessel for another emotion that chases you.

So what are you really running from?

The universe is telling you while you should be one hunting, you are being hunted and overpowered and made to feel helpless.

The universe is asking you “Where is your energy and power being taken?“.

So then you must dissect turn to snake and look at it in it’s eyes.

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Is it as dangerous as it looks? Is it something you can handle? What type is it? To understand your message better look at the snake. Each type of snake has its specific message for you.

Black Snake:

Black snake
Black snake

A snake in this specific color holds a lot of messages.

Black can signify fatigue, stress, and collected energy that needs to be discarded. If you’ve been going through a difficult time this is the time to rest.

The other meaning it shares, is of the unknown, think of a pitch black hole!

You are afraid of losing control. Remind yourself that you can only control some things. 

The rest can go. Trust the universe to handle the rest for you.

Black snakes also represent the hidden, so if you’ve had doubts about deception, this is confirmation of their ill intentions.

White Snake:

White snake
White snake

The white snakes represent new beginnings, innocence, purity and intuition.

These are special snakes that if you find yourself fearfully running from one, then this is a clear indicator of your energy distrusting your inner wisdom and your fear to handle a new phase in your life.

If these snakes are shunned, then it also represents one falling into their temptations. 

Here seek clarity and what is true gratification.

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Take a couple of deep breaths.

It’s natural to be afraid of the new patterns.

Try to push through so you new can grow now.

Yellow Snake:

Yellow snake
Yellow snake

Think of the sun or the golden snake on Moses’ staff.

This snake represents the enlightenment of the knowledge of the higher self, but more than that the choices that come with having wisdom.

Being chased by this snake would mean a message from your higher self, trying to find you but it feels painful to accept and apply to your life.

Remember here, quality decisions always trump.

Green Snake:

Green snake
Green snake

The color green is a part of nature, nurturing, prosperity and finance, so this snake relates with these themes, to foreshadow your upcoming situation.

These might be money troubles

Here concentrate on your health and plan to be secure. 

The Snake is Trying to Communicate with Me?

The messages form the snakes

With each kind of the snake, having it’s theme it’s also to observe the snake’s interaction.

How is it…

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