How To Create a Manifestation Box to Attract Your Dream Life!

The law of attraction is a powerful practice to manifest your biggest dreams into your reality, but I know that sometimes putting it into action can be difficult.

Creating a manifestation box is a great way to work at manifesting your intention in a fun and easy way! 

This post covers everything you need to know about creating your own manifestation box and using it to achieve your goals!

I know that sometimes putting the law of attraction into action is hard... but a manifestation box makes manifesting easy! This post covers everything you need to know to create your very own manifestation box!

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What is a manifestation box?

A manifestation box – otherwise known as an intention box, vision box or wish box – is a powerful manifestation tool, which works with the law of attraction to bring your dreams into reality!

The premise is simple – you create (or buy) a box and set an intention. With this intention in mind, you place anything in the box that resonates with this intention.

The idea is that you are channeling all this positive energy towards your intention, making it more likely to come to life!

Think of it like a vision board… only in box form!

Benefits of a manifestation box

The benefits of using a manifestation box include:

  • Clearer vision: this process helps you to really tune into your vision and align yourself with exactly what you want from life!
  • Powerful manifestation: by creating a manifestation box, you are pouring your heart and soul into your intention, showing the universe that you are dedicated and ready to receive!
  • Creative energy: This is a creative process, which helps us to tap into the creative energy associated with our sacral chakra!
  • Fun: With all the other bonuses aside, it’s fun to do and a great activity to do with children too!
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What you’ll need

How much or how little you need for this process is entirely up to you! However, here are a few things that you might not want to skip on…

  • A box (duh!)
  • Some paper
  • A pen
  • A clear intention

We’ll get onto some optional extras shortly!

How to make your own manifestation box

If you’re feeling extra creative, you might want to make your own manifestation box. Here’s how you can do just that!

1. Buy a plain box

Any box will do, but my favourite is a plain craft box because it is not only sturdy, but the perfect canvas for decorating! Another great alternative is a papier mache box!

2. Decorate it!

This is where the fun begins! However you choose to decorate your box is up to you, but here are some great ideas to get you started!

  • Paint it: whether you choose to paint it one solid colour or paint a picture, let your imagination run wild! It’s best to choose water based acrylic paints on your wood/paper base.
  • Decoupage it: layer up magazine cutouts or funky wrapping paper for that perfect decoupage look! If you’re new to decoupage, check out this handy guide.
  • Glitter it: because who doesn’t love glitter?! Just make sure to source the biodegradable kind!
  • Sticker it: choose stickers that resonate with the mindset you want to embody. Some of my favourites are these motivational affirmation stickers and this large…
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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in All the rights of content are owned by We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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