How To AWAKEN Your Divine Feminine Energy [11 Different Ways]

Awakening your Divine Feminine Energy is an essential process to go through as a woman.

It will help you understand who you truly are, what is your life purpose and how to live in full balance and harmony.

The Divine Feminine energy is a very powerful, yet gentle and loving energy and that once awakened, will help you live in more alignment with your higher self. 

What is Divine Feminine Energy?

The Divine Feminine Energy is a sacred energy, that stands as one of the main pillars of the physical and spiritual world.

The World in which we currently live is based on duality: masculine-feminine, day-night, light-darkness, and so on.

Although some religions have portraited God as being a man, God, or the Creator, the Divine Source of Energy or the Universe, whatever you call it, is made of both masculine and feminine energy.

This truth is found in all the sacred books that religion banned, in order to promote the “truth” they believed to be fit. 

Human beings contain Divine Energy, as are immortal beings just passing Earth as a step in our long spiritual journey. We all possess both Divine Feminine Energy and Divine Masculine Energy.

A person can possess more of one type of energy according to what they’ve been in previous lifetimes and which energy they have integrated more.

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The Divine Feminine Energy in all of us is the energy that creates, that brings life into the world, that breeds healing, unconditional love, and peace.

It is the soft yet powerful energy that is more still, quiet, gentle, life-creating, in contrast to the divine masculine that is strong, tough, action-oriented, and in constant movement.

Why should you awaken your Divine Feminine Energy? 

woman with divine feminine energy

I don’t just want to teach how to awaken your Divine Feminine Energy, but also why it’s beneficial to you to do it.

Once you understand why you should awaken your Divine Feminine Energy, you will also intuitively know how, and you will have a real motivation to do so. 

Therefore, a few benefits you can have if you awaken your Divine Feminine Energy are: 

  • You will be more compassionate, gentle, and kind
  • You will develop amazing skills such as creativity and intuition
  • You will benefit from inner peace, as well as love and respect for your own body 
  • You will be able to develop harmonious, beautiful relationships 

Energy or gender role?

A lot of people still confuse the feminine or masculine energies with the gender roles society has assigned for us.

To diminish this confusion, I want to highlight that both men and women have both masculine and feminine energies inside them. How much of each, depends on the person.

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The gender that you are born into is linked to your life lesson – if you were born a woman, that is to learn femininity, if you were born a man, then that is to learn masculinity.

However, as a man, even if you benefit more from being grounded in your Divine Masculine Energy, you should still acknowledge, embrace and honor your Divine Feminine Energy, and allow it to manifest through kindness, compassion, and so on.

“What happens if you are homosexual?” You will ask. I truly believe that when you are born homosexual, you are meant to learn duality to a higher extent, and to embrace both energies as a contrast!

If you are in a homosexual relationship and you identify more with the masculine side of the relationship, maintain yourself more grounded in the Divine Masculine.

If you identify more with the feminine side, then nurture your Divine Feminine Energy. Just choose whichever feels best, but don’t neglect the other one. 

Benefits of the Divine Feminine Energy on Earth

What happened to humanity last year was a huge wake-up call from the Universe. The pandemic, all the deaths, the isolation, the chaos, were the Universe’s way of telling us “You have to change something”.

We were rapidly destroying Mother Earth, the planet that shelters us and provides us everything we need to live as a species.

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That was because no serious measures were done against pollution, protecting endangered animal and plant species, protecting the forests, and eventually, against all the cruelty or indifference people manifest. 

Cruelty and indifference are traits of the Masculine side of each person, but not of the Divine Masculine, which is powerful yet protective and loving.

These are traits of the toxic masculinity that have been embedded in our society for centuries and have had us destroy the planet as well as each other.

Now, the Universe is trying to nudge us in the opposite direction – that of embracing and cultivating the Divine Feminine energy, as it could be the only way to stop humanity from destroying the planet Earth. 

If more people had their Divine Feminine Energy awakened, then they would live in empathy, kindness, and compassion. They would…

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