50 Powerful Manifestation Mantras to Attract Any Desire

Incorporating manifestation mantras into your routine can be a simple tool to increase the strength of your manifestation, particularly if you already have an existing meditation practice.

And if you don’t have an existing meditation practice, all it takes is five or so minutes every day of repeating manifestation mantras to help you get in alignment with your desires.

To make it easier for you to get started, after reading this post you’ll have examples of powerful manifestation mantras for every desire, so you can reference them when you need an energetic boost.

woman meditating with candles and incense

What is manifestation?

Manifestation is the process of bringing something from your desired reality into your physical reality.

For example, if you have a dream to earn $100,000 a year and you land a job that pays you 100k, you might say you’ve manifested that job.

The process in which we manifest is called the Law of Attraction, which states that the energy that we put out into the Universe comes back to us.

Using this law, we can put our focus on anything we want to achieve and match our energy to our desires, and in return our desires will come into fruition – this is manifestation.

If you want to learn more about manifesting before we delve into manifestation mantras, check out this post.

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the biggest manifesting blocks

Get your FREE Manifestation Blocks PDF to achieve your manifestation breakthrough

What is a mantra?

The word mantra originates from Hindu and Buddhist cultures.

It is a word or sound repeated during meditation to help you concentrate and remain in a meditative state. 

Probably the most popular mantra that you will have heard of is “om”, which is a positive bija mantra associated with the third eye.

close up of persons hand while meditating with mala beads

The use of the word mantra has since spread in western cultures and typically has a more general meaning of “a statement that is repeated frequently.”

The definition that we’ll be using in this post lies somewhat in the middle – I like to think of mantras as statements that you can repeat, usually during meditation.

But not only to enhance your meditation practice, but also to bring you closer to what you are trying to manifest.

“Isn’t that just the same as an affirmation?”

In some ways, they’re similar. But I think there are some differences that set them apart. For example:

Affirmations are usually highly specific to what you are trying to manifest (e.g. a specific amount of money, a specific person, a specific outcome) whereas mantras are more focused on matching the energy of your desired outcome (e.g. abundance, unconditional love, fulfilment).

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Affirmations also tend to be a lot wordier, and therefore less suited to repeating during meditation, because the effort to recall every word is more difficult and can’t be as well synced to the breath.

In contrast, mantras are usually shorter and punchier. Remember that “om” and many other mantras are only a single word.

The best manifestation mantras to use in meditation tend to be only a few words long, because they are easy to remember and to…

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