Feng Shui Bracelet Meanings & How to Make it Work for You!

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Feng shui bracelets can be a fun and beautiful way to enhance your personal energy.

They can support you while you manifest your dreams.

They can help you set your intentions.

But will a feng shui bracelet work for you?

Here are 4 ways to know if a feng shui bracelet will work for you:

Do you need extra help setting and keeping your intentions?

If you are having trouble manifesting something you want (like money, a partner, a new job, a new home, etc) then this is where a feng shui bracelet can help!

A feng shui bracelet can be worn as a way to reinforce your intentions. Several times throughout the day, you can focus on your bracelet as a way to realign your energy and focus on what you want.

4 ways to know if a feng shui bracelet will work for you!

Do you love crystals and other objects that help you recalibrate your energy and realign your frequency?

Feng shui bracelets are made from different crystals (that depend on what you’re focused on manifesting) so they help align your energetic body to the frequency of what you want.

If you love crystals, a feng shui bracelet can really help you align your vibration!

Do you love having a charm or lucky object that helps you focus and feel grateful?

If so, a bracelet that has a charm or symbol can help you focus on being grateful for your manifestations before they arrive.

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Each feng shui bracelet can carry the energy of your dreams and help you focus your intentions to reach your goals.

Do you believe that a feng shui bracelet, crystals, and charms can work for you?

Are you ready to give them a try with an open mind and the possibility that they will work for you?

If so, a feng shui crystal bracelet can be a really fun way to help bring your dreams to life!

feng shui bracelet with obsidian pixiu

Let’s dive into all of the different aspects of feng shui bracelets and how to choose one that will work for you!

What is a feng shui bracelet?

A feng shui bracelet is a bracelet made of specific crystals and feng shui items that help you create luck, good fortune, and serendipity in your life.

The basis of feng shui is creating an environment that is supportive of your dreams and goals. 

A feng shui bracelet is an extension of that. 

It can help reinforce your dreams and align the energy of your personal aura to help you manifest it!

If you are having a hard time holding the vibration of your dreams, feng shui bracelets can help you. 

Wearing a bracelet and then using it in your manifestation rituals can help you bring your dreams to life!

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What are feng shui bracelets made of?

Feng shui bracelets are made of various crystals and sometimes Chinese symbols or good luck charms. 

The most traditional feng shui bracelets are made of obsidian. 

They also have the pixiu – a creature that represents good luck and good fortune. 

Obsidian is a crystal known for its grounding and protective properties.

It protects you and your environment from negative energy and stress. 

It helps stabilize your energy, which is helpful when you are trying to manifest things into your life!

It also stimulates growth, which is great for attracting wealth and abundance! 

The pixiu is a creature that represents good fortune and wealth. 

It is said to protect from evil spirits and attract good fortune in your life!  The traditional feng shui obsidian bracelet includes both of these items. 

Sometimes it will also contain jade, citrine, or pyrite which further enhance the wealth energy of the bracelet!

how do feng shui bracelets work?

feng shui bracelets work by aligning your energetic field with your goals or what you’re trying to attract. 

Feng shui bracelets work in the same way that crystals work. 

They help you align the energy in your body with whatever it is you’re trying to attract. 

In fact, if you set a strong intention and then choose a feng shui bracelet to enhance that intention, it will work even better!

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For example, let’s say you want to attract wealth and abundance. 

You’ve created a feng shui vision board.

You’ve done all of the feng shui tips for wealth. 

You are working on feeling the vibration of having the wealth you want. 

You can choose a feng shui wealth bracelet that will increase that intention!

Whenever you wear your feng shui bracelet for wealth, you can reinforce your intention for wealth throughout the day. 

Every time you look at your bracelet, feel the feelings of having the wealth you want. 

The crystals in the bracelet will then be programmed to your intention and hold those wealth vibrations. 

The more you reinforce feeling the feelings of having the money you want, the more the intention will increase! 

Eventually, those wealth intentions will spill over and start manifesting in your life!

crystal bracelets on blue dish

What does a feng shui bracelet do?

In addition to reinforcing your intentions for your manifestations and…

Click here to read this complete article.

Disclaimer : This article is originally published in peacelovefengshui.com. All the rights of content are owned by peacelovefengshui.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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