11 Ways to Enhance Your Life Force Energy: Tap Into the Best Version o

INSIDE: Some days we find ourselves down in the dumps, with low energy and low drive. These feelings are our body’s way of telling us we need more juice. The juice that we need is life force energy!


Life force is that little thing inside of us that keeps pushing us forward, but when it’s empty and depleted it’s that huge thing that holds us back.

Ensuring our life force is full isn’t always a simple task, especially if you’re already running on empty. 

But with so many ways to use up life force energy, there are just as many ways to pump it up. When our vitality is in tip-top shape, you can bet that our quality of life is even better. 

Let’s take a closer look at how you can maintain this energy all day, everyday!

What is Life Force Energy?

You know those days when you’re feeling well rested and full of energy? How about those days when you’re tired and irritable? These are all symptoms of either a full healthy energy, or an exhausted energy.

Life force energy is the essence of life that flows through all living things. It can be measured in humans’ and animals’ overall vitality through their heart beat, brain waves, blood circulation, and breath. 

It is the difference between life and death. All living things have a life force. It flows through plants, water, crystals, animals, humans, and anything that comes from nature. Earth itself has a life force!

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How Do You Know if Your Life Force Energy is Depleted?

Have you been struggling with your normal day to day routine? Do you feel lethargic or tired? These are signs that your vitality is depleted.

When you’re running on fumes, you can’t see it but you can certainly feel it. Life force is what connects your body, mind, and soul together. It allows you to grow and focus and find happiness and peace.  

There are many symptoms to watch out for, including:

  • Chronic fatigue
  • Stress
  • Not enough sleep or too much sleep
  • Mental instability and mood infrequencies
  • Chronic aches and pains
  • Negative attitude
  • Depression or anxiety
  • Weight gain or weight loss 

These are just a few of the many tell-tale signs that the force keeping you alive (in all aspects of the word) has been sucked dry.

Invigorating Energy Crystals

11 Ways to Strengthen Your Life Force Energy

It’s a whole lot easier to let your life force run dry than it is to refill it, but it really doesn’t require much in order to replenish it. 

There are infinite ways you can strengthen your energy, and most of them won’t even cost you a cent. Whatever your lifestyle is, there’s always something you can do to give yourself a boost of vitality. 

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Recharge in Nature

Get outside! It’s proven that nature is the best medicine. Even if you live in a busy, bustling city, take a walk and let your mind and feet wander. 

Spending time outside is an easy and sure-fire way to improve your health and well being. Going for a walk or hike is great exercise, getting some sun gives you that much needed Vitamin D, and going to the beach is a great way to chill out.

Try a grounding practice next time you’re at the beach or a park. All it involves is standing barefoot in the grass or sand for 15-20 minutes while you take deep breaths. This will replenish your energy easily!

Meditate With Crystals

Are you a crystal collector? Or maybe you were gifted a healing stone as a present from one of your spiritual friends. Either way, take that crystal and incorporate it into your meditation practice. 

Meditating is a great way to relax, but if you’re experiencing symptoms of energy depletion, it might be time to bring some meditation crystals into the mix. 

Hold a crystal while doing breathing meditations to help focus your intentions. If you’re meditating or praying, crystals will guide your intentions and manifestations all while restoring your faith and vitality. 

Next time you do a grounding practice, bring your crystals along for the ride. They will help further the relaxation and allow you to find balance and stability. 

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What is Life force energy?


We live in an extremely digital age, and this year has most of us working from home on our computers and phones. Although these devices are convenient and a necessity these days, it’s also crucial that we unplug once in a while.

Cell phones, laptops, and pretty much every other electronic you can think of emits EMFs. Exposure to these electromagnetic fields is connected to a whole slew of EMF symptoms, including aches and pains, headaches, depression, stress, issues with sleep, and other neurological and physiological problems. It basically just disrupts the whole human nervous system.

It may be difficult to turn off your phone sometimes. After all, you don’t want to miss anything important from a family member or an employer/employee. But it’s okay to let your voicemail pick up or for your texts go unread for a few hours a day. 

Once you’re done your work day, try to stay off electronics. This can help you connect to yourself and your loved ones. Learning how to stimulate ourselves rather…

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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in CosmicCuts.com. All the rights of content are owned by CosmicCuts.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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