Feng Shui for Living Room ( 2022)

Decorating the living room is truly an artwork. Furniture, colors, lighting fixtures, art pieces – you want to combine them all in perfect harmony and equipoise.

A harmonious space is more than that. It requires inner balance, which reflects on the outside. Today, we are going to review few Feng Shui principles that can be applied when decorating the living room.

Psychologically, the living room represents the way we are perceived by the outside world, it is the space where we can highlight our place in society and where we can strengthen our capacity to create prosperity and well-being.

If we spend few good hours of our free time in this room, it is obvious that the Feng Shui of this space has a strong influence over the harmony, prosperity and the success of all family members.

Therefore, according to Feng Shui, this is the most appropriate room to be energetically activated on all nine sectors: love, fame, prosperity, health, family, children, helpers, career and education.

Feng Shui Color Tips

As in any other room of the house, the colors are one of the Feng Shui principles that can influence the energetic balance. Strong colors such as red or black are to be avoided, especially in big proportions. Opt-out for pastel colors, delicate shades of yellow, green, or even simple white. Avoid blue on the northern walls – it will create the impression of cold and unfriendly space.


The placement of the furniture must ensure an easy, not impeded by obstacles room access. It is not recommended to cram too much furniture. An airy space will bring abundance.

The sofa and the armchairs must be positioned in such a fashion so that, when we use them, we are not able to directly see the door in front of us. Also, it is not recommended to sit with the back at a window and directly next to the main door, but rather to have a wall at the back.

If we have two sofas sitting face to face, the guests that are not well acquainted can experiment with a conflictual state. Therefore, we either move the sofas in a neutral position or place a table between them.

From a Feng Shui point of view, the visible beams anywhere within the house affect the smooth flow of vital energy.
The best solution is to hang two bamboo wires or cover them up with a fake ceiling.

In time, people sitting directly under them can have a hardship sensation, both at a physical level and in family life. It is not advisable to leave cleaning supplies in the living room. They symbolize the elimination of income, health, and prosperity.

Placing the TV and the Direction of Watching TV

Most of us spend a big part of our free time in front of the TV.

In Feng Shui, the TV has the power to amplify the energies from the living room, this is why it must be placed only in the spots with positive energy, which can be determined by precise measurements.

This way, we will avoid bad fortune, headaches, and eye diseases.

Where we place the TV makes us focus in a specific direction when we watch movies, news, TV series, or entertainment. This is why, we should choose a direction with positive energy, which can be determined by calculating the personal KUA number and by exact measurements.

Rules for Placing Mirrors

Well, the living room is a space where we can place mirrors without too much of a hassle. The best position for a mirror is face to face with a window, but only when the image from outside is a beautiful, natural landscape.

In this way, we will bring the beauty of nature into our home. Needless to say that we won’t place a mirror in front of the window if the landscape from the outside is unpleasant, emitting negative energy (construction site, unorganized or dirty yard etc.).

The most important aspect is for the mirror to reflect beautiful things: a painting, an interior plant, or family pictures, as we’ve mentioned above.

As important is that the mirrors used for home decor be frequently cleaned and washed. According to the Feng Shui rules, a clean mirror releases positive energy, while a dirty mirror will charge the house with negative energy.

Also, do not keep broken, cracked, or nicked mirrors, because they assimilate and release negative energy.

Feng Shui Plants in the Living Room

Generally, all lucky plants, such as flowers, can be placed in the living room, but it is recommended to arrange them depending on their size. To avoid the impression of pressure, don’t place a plant that is touching the ceiling in the corner of the room. When you choose small plants, you must take into account both the size of the table and the visual effect.

Beneficial plants, according to Feng Shui: Jade plants, bamboo, happiness plant, pine, fir, orange tree, peach tree, apple tree, lemon tree.
Lucky flowers, according to Feng Shui: Paeonia Peregrina, Chrysanthemum, Spathiphyllum, Japanese Rose, Narcissus, Lilac, Magnolia, Lotus, and Orchid.

Plants and Flowers...

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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in thechinesezodiac.org. All the rights of content are owned by thechinesezodiac.org. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.
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