Feng Shui for Love: Cures & Tips to Attract More Love & Romance Into Y

INSIDE: When we practice feng shui for love principles, we invite loving and romantic energies into our lives. Then, the love we desire seems to flow into our lives with so much more ease.


Love is a necessary fuel that keeps our hearts alive. When we’re open to giving and receiving love, we are doing a lot for our emotional and mental well being. Love nourishes us on so many levels, and the more of it we invite into our lives, the more it is reflected back to us.

According to a study published on Psychology Today, we can increase our ability to love and attract love by practicing mindfulness.  

Did you know that you can use wisdom and principles of feng shui for love to attract it into your life?

Here are the tips and tricks you need to know…

Before We Start….Know Your Bagua Map

Knowing your Bagua map will allow you to maximize the potential of each corner of your home.

On the feng shui Bagua Map, the Southwest area is typically associated with love and romance, and it is this area of the home that you should pay the most attention to if you want to increase love in your life.

Your bedroom has its own Bagua map, too. So, since this is the most intimate place in the home, make sure you place the bed in the southwest corner.

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If your room doesn’t allow it, enrich the space with the right feng shui colors and feng shui decor that will serve to maximize the loving capacity of your space.

The Southwest is connected to the earth element, so do avoid putting metal, fire, water, and wood colors and objects in here. Learn more about the feng shui elements here.

Love Gemstones

Feng Shui Love Cures & Tips

Here are the most important feng shui love cures, tips, and tricks to bring more romance and love into your home and your life…


This can’t be stressed enough. While feng shui does have its rules, it is never immune to the vibration of the homeowner. That being said, how you feel about love will directly reflect on the energy in your home.

Your definition of love and a soulmate is likely different than everyone else’s, so think about what love means to you, let that feeling guide you to decorate your space accordingly.

Remember, when you’re trying to attract love, the first step to doing so is opening your heart to love by visualizing, daydreaming, and setting the intention. 

Use Red, Pink or White

You guessed it right – to attract love, you can use romantic colors such as pink, red, and also gentle white. These colors symbolize passion, love, romance, and closeness.

Remember one thing – these are fiery colors, especially vivid shades of them, so use them mindfully to decorate the space in combination with white.

See also  What Is Mindfulness?

Too much red in a bedroom can spark passion, but can also put us into war-like energy. White will allow for pure, unconditional love to flourish. Avoid overdoing black and blues, since these colors will extinguish the passion.

Pair it Up

It takes two to tango, and feng shui for love follows this rule too. To bring more love into your space and enrich your life with romance, pair your furniture.

This will not only create balance in your space and support the energy flow but will create space for a partner you dream of sharing your life with.

You can bring this energy of two into a space by using visual symbols and decor, such as the Yin Yang symbol. This is one of the most powerful feng shui love symbols as it will create a balance of masculine and feminine energy in your space.

Pairing night tables, sheets and lampshades can help create a balance between the two people and create an energetic space where both can love and express themselves freely.

On the flip side, having one bedside table or one decorative armchair creates more single-person energy, making one person (if we are paired up) feel stifled like they don’t belong in the space. 

Visualize Love

Made the Bed and Add Fresh Sheets

Fresh sheets help keep the love fresh and exciting, but they also create space for an authentic expression of love.

See also  How to Love Yourself MORE (and find your soulmate at the same time!)

To invite in even more love, use laundry softener and essential oils that remind you of romance and partnership. What would your sheets smell like if you were to wake up next to your soulmate?

Additionally, no matter if you are single or partnered, making your bed in the morning and put on fresh bed sheets as frequently as possible to invite freshness and purity into your love life.

To get the best of feng shui for love, avoid having a messy bed, since this messiness will reflect on your intimate life.

Add Symmetry

To bring more stability into your love life and attract long-lasting partnership, rely on the power of symmetry.

The Southwest area of the Bagua map resonates with a square shape, which is an incredibly stable form and will help you ground a relationship that is up in the air. Square-shaped objects help balance our love lives and create a safe place for building a meaningful connection.

Avoid objects with undefined and wavy shapes in this area, as this can invite illusions and dilute the loving…

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