13 Powerful Amethyst Cluster Feng Shui Tips You Need To Know

INSIDE: These amethyst cluster feng shui tips will show you how easy it can be to use amethyst to improve your life, starting today!

The allure of the amethyst is undeniable. Its deep purple points draw us in, and its soothing energy instantly brings us to a place of tranquility.

They’re prized for their beauty and have been used for thousands of years to heal, protect, and bring us closer to our higher consciousness.

Apart from their beauty and decorative appeal, amethyst clusters and amethyst geodes are one of the most essential crystals for the use of feng shui.

The ancient art of feng shui is based on the premise that everything is connected and the whole of it all has a significant impact on the direction our lives will take. It comes from the I Ching , which provides a methodology for connecting to the natural flow of the universe.

Why Are Crystals Used in Feng Shui?

According to the book, The Feng Shui Home, “Crystals, as part of the earth’s structure, emit energy waves at natural frequencies in harmony with our own biological makeup, and for this reason, they can help to balance and harmonize our inner and outer environments.”

Crystals are therefore used to improve the flow of chi (universal life force) throughout a home, workspace, or any space. By using the art of placement to rearrange how we fill an area, we allow the energy in that space to flow with ease. As the energy flows freely, it cleanses and purifies everything and everyone in the space, and our life issues decrease as a result. This article will show you how valuable the amethyst can be to this process.

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How to Use Crystals to Achieve Yin/Yang Balance?

Yin and yang represent the positive and negative energies of the world competing against one another to gain dominance. Yin is a soft, feminine energy and Yang is a harder, masculine energy. When one attains dominance, energy imbalances occur, causing problems in our personal energy fields. Neither is good or bad, and both are necessary. In fact, they are interdependent. We can use crystals, and particularly amethyst, to achieve yin and yang balance.

Amethyst relates most strongly to the yin energies. It can help us rest, sleep, and enjoy the stillness. It is incredibly soothing and calming to the body, mind, and spirit.

Yin Yang Infographic For Amethyst Cluster Feng Shui Tips

How do Crystals Relate to the 5 Natural Elements?

Feng shui meaning also uses symbolism to improve energy flow, which goes on the notion that specific objects also carry the energy of the five primary natural elements: wood, fire, earth, metal, water. These elements manipulate the flow of energy to move it in a particular direction. Crystals are considered to be one of the most effective symbolic tools for conducting energy in feng shui.

Amethyst is unique in that it is a balance of all five elements. It is an extremely versatile stone that can be used in a multitude of ways to improve our lives.

5 Natural Elements For Amethyst Cluster Feng Shui Tips

What Are Crystal Clusters?

When it comes to the different forms that a crystal can be presented in, clusters are considered to be one of the most potent energy manipulators. The fact that they have many points coming from one base helps to clear negative energy very quickly. For this reason, they are especially useful in areas where several people tend to commune.

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The amethyst geode, in particular, is exceptionally efficient and fast at clearing stress from a space. It absorbs negativity, transmutes it into positive energy and helps us feel calm and steady.

Amethyst Geodes

How to Use an Amethyst Cluster in Feng Shui?

In feng shui, a Bagua map is used to break up a home, building, or room into nine sections with each one corresponding to a different part of our lives, based on the energy contained in those areas. To align it up to your home or office, imagine your front door is below the Career & Life Journey area.

Bagua Map For Amethyst Cluster Feng Shui Tips

Due to its versatile healing qualities, the amethyst stone can be used in feng shui in almost every area of the home or office. While any form of amethyst can be used, a more powerful energy will be presented to the area when an amethyst cluster or large amethyst geode is used. Search our incredible selection of authentic amethyst geodes here!

Let’s look at each area of the Bagua map and how amethyst can be used in those spaces to improve our lives.

How to Use Amethyst in the “Career & Life Journey” Area?

The Career & Life Journey area of the Bagua map has to do with the following:

  • Authenticity
  • Joy
  • Pursuing Your Passions
  • Career-Related Choices
  • Honoring Your True Self
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Place an amethyst cluster or geode in this area to improve your mental concentration and meditation practice, both of which will naturally lead to an improvement in your career.

The amethyst also purifies negative energy and transmutes it into positive energy, which will improve the level of joy you experience in your life. It boosts our ability to love ourselves, which makes us more likely to pursue our passions and express our authenticity.

How to Use Amethyst in the “Love & Relationships” Area?


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