Manifestation Box: How-To Set Your Intention & Attract Your Desires

While the Law of Attraction works as an overarching guide of manifestation practices, there are so many different ways that you can set your wants, dreams, wishes, and desires in metaphorical stone.

One such method I particularly love which I want more people to know about is the manifestation box.

This type of manifestation tool is perfect for those who like tangible objects which represent their non-corporeal dreams.

It’s also excellent for those who like to express their spirituality in a creative way.

In this article, we’ll be taking a deep dive and revealing the secrets of the manifestation box as well as talking you through how you can get started making your own!

What Is A Manifestation Box?

Picture of a manifestation box

A manifestation box may also be called an intention box, wish box, dream box, vision box, and many other titles along a similar vein.

This is a powerful manifestation tool that works with the law of attraction and is highly personal to its creator. 

On paper, creating a manifestation box is simple; you need a box, some decorations, an intention, and some items to fill it with.

However, making a manifestation box is actually a creative and spiritual journey that is a joy to create.

The idea behind a manifestation box is that with each item you add and each decoration you make you’re infusing the box with positive energy to guide you closer to your goal.

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In many ways, a manifestation box is like a vision board only 3-dimensional and with tangible objects that you can hold when channeling your intentions.

It’s also much easier to store and is less likely to become damaged!

The Benefits Of A Manifestation Box

There are a variety of benefits to creating and keeping a manifestation box such as:

  • Perfect for Visual and Kinesthetic People: A lot of spiritual practices involve envisioning things in your mind or feeling things within your body. This can be hard for people who like to see things (visual) or feel and interact with things (kinesthetic) as it can be a challenge for them to solely picture their intentions in their minds. A manifestation box helps to bring their intentions into the real world.
  • Clarity of Vision: Even if you prefer to visualize your intentions in your mind, a manifestation box works as a great physical reminder of your wants and needs allowing you to hone your mental intentions and stay focussed.
  • Increased Power: As mentioned, your ability to manifest is far more powerful when your intentions are clear. A manifestation box helps you to keep your intentions on track and stops you from becoming distracted by other less essential wants and needs. This lends extra power to your manifestation practices and increases your odds of making your dreams a reality.  
  • A Creative Outlet: Creative activities have been proven to have huge benefits for our mental, emotional, and spiritual health as they act as a way for us to release tension and express things we’ve been keeping inside. Creativity is also great for waking up your brain and getting yourself thinking about what you really want, need, and deserve.
  • Personal: Personally, aside from the creative element, one of the things I really love about a manifestation box is how personal it can become. Unlike some other manifestation practices which need to be done by the book, there are no rules for how you create your manifestation box or what should be included. If an item is important to you or you feel it represents your intentions then it earns its place within the box!
  • Affordable: Cost is always something that prevents me from delving into more areas of spirituality. Sadly, as the spiritual way of living is viewed as a more ‘niche’ interest, books, tools, and spiritual items can be much more expensive. Of course, there are always workarounds, and one such example is a manifestation box. This is because you can quite literally take a shoebox, cover it in spare paint, funky wrapping paper, or even draw on it, and your box is good to go!
  • An Exciting Activity: Creating a manifestation box is a wonderful spiritual activity. You can take your time and set the scene, light your favorite candle, diffuse oils, or even put on your favorite movie, and take your time crafting your box. It can also be a fun activity to do as a family or as a couple if you have a group intention in mind.
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What You’ll Need To Create Your Manifestation Box

Picture of the items you need for a manifestation box

What you’ll require for your box is entirely up to you but what you’ll definitely need is:

Starting with the box itself you can either choose to decorate a box yourself or purchase one.

You might have an antique box you picked up thrifting or a stationary/file box you’ve had sitting around that you like.

Otherwise, you could opt for a humble shoebox, or purchase a plain wooden box to decorate. The size of your box also depends on what you…

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