Full Moon in Pisces Moonscope September 10 2022 – Psychic Vision

Full Moon in Pisces Moonscope September 10 2022

‘Just the facts, ma’am. It seems fitting to link a full Moon in watery Pisces with the classic line from the 1960s TV show Dragnet. They were coined by Detective Joe Friday whose investigative style is extremely Virgo. Where the Sun opposes the Moon in Pisces on September 10. We also have the show’s name – Dragnet. ‘A net is drawn through water to trap fish’ – with obvious Pisces links.

So, what does all this tell us about this emotionally and spiritually intense full moon that occurs the same day Mercury enters retrograde? That feelings are not facts. And we need to look for them or defer decisions based solely on how we feel – no matter how overwhelming those feelings may be.

We need clarity and information. Yet all we may have to work with are confusion or our sensitivity – which is likely to be heightened under this full Moon. I’m not saying your feelings are ‘off’. The emotional truth may be based on our perspective rather than the facts. Which we need before we act.

This full Moon will pack a punch for Virgos, Pisces, Geminis, and Sagittarians. Especially if they have chart factors at 17 degrees of their sign. You need to stop and dig deeper before you act. No matter yours – do check your chart now. And then go looking for the facts to back up those feelings.

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Of all the signs, you’ll experience an emotional high tide that will ask you to make some kind of choice or decision, Aries. Here’s the thing – chances are you’ve had these feelings before now. This isn’t the first time but is the most intense you’ve felt so far. As I said, feelings are not facts. But in your case, they are your guide that something needs your serious attention.

Do take that ‘Things must change and I must change them’ realization and commit to action. But defer this until the full Moon begins to wane. Become the observer or imagine you are advising a friend going through the same thing. What would you tell them to do next? Break down the actions you need to take into steps or a plan. You need to remain practical and pragmatic. Sudden inspiration can strike under this full Moon pointing you towards those facts or what you need to do next. Follow through on that. This full Moon can be a big turning point for you, especially if something has been going on behind the scenes emotionally for far too long.


Fish swim in schools or shoals. Often they appear to move as one like a watery murmuration. Who are you swimming with, Taurus? That friend, group, band, party, network, club, association, party, movement? Are you entirely in synch, moving in the same direction, or feeling a sudden disconnect?

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Issues around what it feels like to be a ‘good friend’ can surface under this full Moon. We’re told to be one, we always have to be there. But sometimes being a good friend means saying no or putting in some boundaries. We need to be our own best friend if a connection drains us or has become one-sided. Have you felt like this about the person or group before now?

Of course, this full Moon can see you with those you get along with swimmingly. DO: Avoid people who love to create drama or have any substance or alcohol issues. This Moon will magnify these. Don’t: Listen to gossip. This Full Moon can …

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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in MicheleKnight.com. All the rights of content are owned by MicheleKnight.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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