The Amazing Meaning Of The 5 Green Aura Types

Aura colors are one topic that is becoming more and more popular amongst the spiritual community, as people are discovering how much they can find out about themselves if they know what color their aura is.

In this article, I am going to talk more in-depth about the green aura meaning, and also about the meaning of the 5 types of green auras.

Green Aura Meaning in Relationship to Personality

The Aura, also known as the bioenergy field that surrounds the human body, is directly linked to the 7 main chakras. 

The state of the chakras influences the state of the aura and vice versa.

As you may already know, green is the color of the heart chakra, also known as the Anahata chakra.

Thus, if someone has a green aura, it means that their heart chakra is well balanced and open at the moment and that they have the ability to give and receive love freely.

A green aura shows that the person is emotionally balanced, loving, free to enjoy life, has a harmonious personality, and also is strongly connected to nature.

The connection to nature is an important aspect of what helps the person maintain an open heart and a balanced personality, as nature has the ability to cleanse us energetically.

By cleansing negative feelings and energies of a person, nature contributes to a healthy and balanced personality, as well as to a healthy and balanced energetic body.

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Thus, time spent in nature is highly beneficial and I highly recommend it to anyone who wants to purify spiritually and energetically or to open and balance their heart chakra.

Having a green aura is a positive thing because it shows that an overall sense of balance and harmony has been achieved, especially emotionally and spiritually.

Also, a green aura can indicate an abundant person who draws any sort of resources without difficulty and lives in prosperity.

However, there are more types of green auras, depending on the nuance of the aura, and each nuance has a different meaning.

If you want to know what the color of your aura means, have a look at the list down below where I’m explaining the multiple green aura meanings.

Green Aura Meanings

Green aura meanings

#1. Dark Green Aura 

The dark green aura usually represents an old soul, who has recently come from darkness to light.

Their heart chakra may have been closed or not so balanced until recently and they may have struggled to forgive, forget and balance themselves emotionally.

This is quite common for old souls, as old souls have had multiple incarnations, and some of them may have filled their souls with upset and disappointment.

Old souls also had more time to may karma for themselves, and then to learn the lessons and pay that karma.

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Also, another dark green aura meaning is that the person is very spiritually powerful, and has an intelligence and a power of understanding that are above the average.

People with a dark green aura tend to have this mysterious air around them that makes them magnetic for other people, and they are perceived as someone who is mystical and different, but in a good way.

Because of this, some people will be drawn to them, some people will be intrigued or a bit afraid of them.

To conclude, the meaning of a dark green aura is that the person has an open and balanced heart chakra and is currently focused on discovering and integrating their emotions – especially love.

This person is usually an old soul with a powerful inclination towards spirituality and strong spiritual insight, who has just managed to overcome a dark period in their life – or they are still overcoming it.

#2. Light Green Aura

The meaning of a light green aura is purity, empathy, forgiveness, healing, and enlightenment.

People with a light green aura have a very open and well-balanced heart chakra, and their capacity to give and receive love is very big.

In contrast to people with dark green auras, light green aura people have healed emotionally more, and they are even more in tune with their hearts.

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They are focused on forgiveness and on developing their compassion and empathy towards all living beings.

They are still healing themselves, but their healing process has reached a certain threshold after which the heart chakra is completely open.

They could be younger souls than dark green aura people, or simply people who have done more healing, and their heart chakra is generally filled with positive emotions.

These people have a vibrant, loving, and soothing energy around them that makes other people want to be close to them and to be a part of their lives.

They are usually surrounded by people who are trying to attune to their positive energy and seek emotional healing from them.

For this reason, light green aura people can oftentimes be found in jobs such as healers, psychics, therapists, doctors,…


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